Spot00046.pngInserting speakers 


Tool set



Event Design

Use the Speaker tool to insert individual speakers that are not part of an array. Manually-inserted speakers can be placed as single speakers, or as several speakers arranged in a column. A variety of supports and labeling options are available.




Insert by Symbol

Inserts a speaker symbol from the resource library; symbol resources include preset data and detailed geometry for visualization, but respond more slowly to edits such as rotating the object

Insert by Catalog

Inserts a speaker from the speaker catalog; catalog resources include preset data and a basic box of the correct size to respond quickly and efficiently to edits such as rotating the object

Speaker Symbol

(Insert by Symbol mode only)

Click to select a resource from the Resource Selector

Catalog Item

(Insert by Catalog mode only)

Click to select a speaker with preset data from the catalog

Alignment modes

Defines how the speaker is aligned on insertion; see Het gereedschap ‘Plaats symbool’


Sets the default parameters for the speaker

To insert a speaker:

1.      Click the tool and modes.

2.Do one of the following:

       For Insert by Symbol mode, click Speaker Symbol on the Tool bar to select a resource from the Resource Selector.

       For Insert by Catalog mode, click Catalog Item on the Tool bar to select a speaker with preset data from the catalog.

       To create a custom speaker, click Preferences to open the object properties dialog box and specify the tool’s default parameters; set the Source to Catalog and Type to Generic, and then enter the parameters. The speaker can be saved to the catalog from the Object Info palette after placement.

3.Click to place the object, and click again to set the rotation.


Depending on the insertion method used, some parameters are automatically populated and disabled, and others can be edited later from the Object Info palette.


Inserting speakers and speaker arrays

Formatting speaker object labels

Inserting speaker arrays

Concept: Attaching loads to rigging objects