Spot00094.pngLighting device properties

Lighting device parameters can be viewed and edited from the Object Info palette. The Spotlight preferences determine which parameters are available; see Spotlight preferences: Lighting Devices: Parameters pane.

Accessory parameters can also be edited from the Object Info palette of their associated lighting device. The Edit Accessory field specifies which accessories display their parameters. When a value other than <None> is selected, the parameters of the specified accessory or accessories are shown, instead of the lighting device parameters. The Device Type field indicates whether an accessory or lighting device is being edited.

The parameters below are described in terms of lighting devices, but the same behavior applies to accessories unless otherwise noted.

Lighting device parameters can also be edited from the Lighting Device dialog box; see Changing device properties. Change advanced light properties, including turning the associated light source on, by editing the light source embedded within the device; see Advanced light properties.

DMX patching may change the lighting device (and accessory) parameters as conflicts are resolved; see DMX patching.

For a custom lighting device symbol without an information record attached, enter the required parameters (see Attaching the Light Info Record and Light Info Record M). An entry is not required for every field.


Changing device properties

Editing lighting devices

Spotlight preferences: Lighting Devices: Parameters pane

Changing the label legend

Spotlight preferences setup

Advanced light properties

DMX patching

Workflow: Visualizer data exchange

Editing GDTF data

Visualizer data mapping

Exporting Vectorworks Spotlight Data