Spot00098.pngInserting a distributed load



Tool set

Distributed Load


Rigging Load



To insert a distributed load:

1.      Click the tool and mode.

2.Do one of the following:

       To use a saved set of load properties, click Load Settings on the Tool bar and select the load set.

       If not using a saved load set, specify the Load Category; select either Distributed Weight or Total Weight mode and enter the load’s Weight. If entering the distributed weight, enter values with a slash between the weight and the distance (500/10 indicates 500 pounds per 10 feet of length, for example).

3.Move the mouse to the rigging object where the distributed load is to be hung.

Valid connecting structures are highlighted.

4.Click to set the load object’s start point.

5.Click to set the end of the segment and the beginning of the next. Continue drawing segments in this manner until the load object is complete. Double-click to finish creating the load object. The distributed load polyline cannot extend beyond the rigging object.

The distributed load is placed at the centerline of the rigging object.


In Top/Plan view, the distributed load label displays. It can be moved by clicking and dragging the label control point.


The parameters can be edited later from the Object Info palette.

Adding a distributed load automatically


Workspace: Path

Add Distributed Load at Selection

       Spotlight: Customize workspace to add command (see Tworzenie i edycja środowisk roboczych)

       Braceworks: Braceworks

If the length of a distributed load is not critical, a distributed load can be added automatically to the rigging objects in the drawing.

To add a distributed load automatically:

1.      Select the rigging object where the distributed load will be placed. When more than one rigging object is selected, a distributed load is placed on each one.

Select the system to easily select more than one rigging object, and automatically add the same load to each.

2.Select the command.

The Load Settings dialog box opens, for Creating and selecting load sets. Select a load set, or enter load parameters and select the <Active Settings> set.

A distributed load is placed along the length of each rigging object.


Zagadnienie: Dodawanie obciążeń do podwieszenia

Creating and selecting load sets

Inserting a point load

Adding loads