Spot00061.pngAssigning multicable information

Multicable circuiting and labels can be automatically assigned to the connected fixtures on the light plot. If the multicables are feeding power to devices other than lighting devices, first select the Circuit Assign Preference command to determine where to send the circuit information from the break out cables; see Setting circuit data assignment preferences.

Assign the cables with ID labels with the Spotlight Numbering command; see Numeracja obiektów na planie oświetlenia for more information.

Assigning circuit information



Assign Multicable Circuits

Spotlight > Cables

To automatically assign multicable circuit information to associated lighting devices (or other equipment):

1.      Select the multicable object. The multicable needs to have a Cable Run ID assigned to it.

2.Select the command.

The Assign Multicable Circuits dialog box opens. Enter the starting number of the first break out cable. If desired, select the option to remove the break out circuit number for break out cables that are not assigned to an object. For example, if the break out consists of six cables, but only five devices are assigned, the unused break out cable has its circuit data removed, since it is not in use.

3.Click OK.

4.A VectorScript window opens, providing helpful information as you assign the circuit data to the devices.

       The circuit name and circuit number to be assigned to the next lighting device are displayed. Click lighting devices sequentially to assign the displayed circuit information to the next lighting device.

       Press the Shift key while clicking on the next lighting device to skip a circuit number.

       Press the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (macOS) key while clicking to gang the next device to the previous one. A symbol is placed on the drawing indicating the location of the ganged devices.


       Press Shift+Ctrl (Windows) or Shift+Command (macOS) while clicking on the next device to specify the circuit number. The Enter Value dialog box opens; enter the circuit number.

5.Continue assigning circuit information until the number of break out circuits has been reached. Click in a blank area of the drawing to finish.

The Circuit Name and Circuit Number parameters of the lighting devices have been automatically assigned based on the multicable break out circuits.

Placing break out labels



Place Break Out Labels

Spotlight > Cables

Multicables can be automatically labeled with break out information that shows multicable circuiting information. A variety of labels are available by default; custom labels can also be created.

To label multicables with break out information:

1.      If adding labels to specific multicables, select the multicable objects. To add labels to all multicables, do not select any multicables.

2.Select the command.

If no multicables are selected, confirm that you want to label all multicables. The Place Break Out Labels dialog box opens.

Right-click on the break out label and select Select Multicable from the context menu to select the multicable associated with the label.

The break out label properties can be edited from the Object Info palette. Changes made to the label parameters are reflected in the parameters of the associated multicable object.


Creating custom break out labels

Inserting multicables

Numeracja obiektów na planie oświetlenia