Connect00060.pngConnecting devices in different files

Important note: use of this functionality is discouraged, since it will be deprecated in the future. Instead of creating multiple linked files, create a single file with multiple layers, and link devices on different layers using the Arrow mode of the Connect tool. Then use project sharing to share the file with multiple users.

The Link tool and the Refresh Links and Rebuild Links commands must be added to the ConnectCAD workspace from the Legacy folder. See Tworzenie i edycja środowisk roboczych. The Links mode of the Connect tool is currently still available in the application.

To create connections between devices in different files, first create the destination link with the Link tool, and then use the Links mode of the Connect tool to create the circuit. A link can be placed on any socket (IN, OUT, or I/O); links are not restricted by signal flow.

Creating destination links


Tool set



Legacy tool; add to workspace

The Link tool creates a destination for the circuit.

To create a destination link:

1.      Click the tool.

2.Click on the socket that will become the target destination for the linked connection between files. Provide a name for the link. The link label normally displays the device and socket names.


Creating the linked circuit



Tool set






To create a linked connection between sockets in different files:

1.      Click the tool and mode.

2.Click on the socket.

The Choose a link dialog box opens. Any Vectorworks files in the same folder as the current file display in a list; click Change folder to browse for a Vectorworks file in a different folder.

3.Vectorworks files which contain devices with a target destination socket display with a link icon Link_icon.png. Click to expand the hierarchy and view the list of sockets that are compatible with the signal direction.

4.Select the socket and click OK to create a connection with a relative link. The link label normally displays the destination socket’s link information.


Refreshing and rebuilding links



       Refresh Links

       Rebuild Links

Legacy commands; add to workspace

Linked circuits may need to be refreshed if there was a change to the other file. Also, if the relative path between the linked circuits has changed, the connections can be rebuilt.

To refresh or rebuild links:

1.      Do one of the following:

       Select the Refresh Links command to update current linked connections after a change in the other file.

       Select the Rebuild Links command to update a relative path.

2.If updating a relative path, select the target Vectorworks file to re-establish the path.


Editing circuits

Connecting sockets