Server startup options

Shutting down the ISV and RLM servers is accomplished most conveniently through the Control Site protection System Menu. Alternatively, use the steps provided here.

Normally, the server administrator will use the browser interface to access server commands and configure server options. Certain commands can also be set by Command Prompt options at startup, and a few rarely needed commands are set exclusively in this way and do not have an equivalent parameter in the browser interface.

For commands that do not have a browser equivalent, instead of typing commands into the Command Prompt or Terminal, create a shortcut and specify the startup command with options in the Target path (Windows), or create a bash script (macOS).

To specify setup options:

1.      Shut down the Vectorworks server software. See Shutting down the RLM server.

2.Open the Command prompt (Windows) or the Terminal (on Mac).

3.Navigate to the Vectorworks Site Protection Server folder (Windows) or /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.vectorworks.rlm folder (macOS).

4.Enter the startup command followed by a dash and the option name, and then press Enter to restart the RLM server.

Windows: rlm.exe -option_command 

Mac:  ./rlm -option_command

To be in effect, the startup option must be specified every time the server is launched.

The examples in this table primarily show the rlm.exe for Windows; for Mac, use  ./rlm 

Startup Option



-c license_file

Specifies which license file (.lic) to use (normally, all license files are used). You can also specify a folder name, and all licenses in the folder are used.

rlm.exe -c ABCD1234.lic

-c folder_name

If not using all licenses, place the license files to use in a folder, and provide the folder name in the option. Only those licenses are used.

rlm.exe -c licenses

rlm.exe -c "C:\ProgramData\Vectorworks Site Protection"

-dlog file_path file_name

Sets up the location and file name of the Debug log; the file path can be specified as a relative or absolute path. If using a relative path, the current folder is the Vectorworks Site Protection Server installation folder. At restart, the Debug log is overwritten.

Also available in the browser interface (Windows); see Switching to a different Debug log file.

Windows example: rlm.exe -dlog “Log\dlog.txt” 

Mac example:  ./rlm -dlog “Log/dlog.txt” 

-dlog + file_path file_name

Creates a Debug log as described previously; adding “+” to the options automatically appends data to the log, rather than overwriting it at restart.

Also available in the browser interface; see Specifying server options.

rlm.exe -dlog + “Log\dlog.txt”


Prevents the server from displaying in a browser interface; all commands must be executed from the Command Prompt or Terminal.

To turn the browser interface back on, restart the server without the -nows option.

rlm.exe -nows 

-ws port_number

Modifies the port number of the Administration screen; see Modifying the administration screen port number.

rlm.exe -ws 5056

-x rlmdown 

-x rlmremove

Controls whether the rlmdown and rlmremove commands are disabled. Disable the rlmdown command to prevent the ISV server from being shut down. Disable the rlmremove command to turn off the option to remove a license in use by a client.

       -x disables both commands

       -x rlmdown

       -x rlmremove

-x rlmdown

-install_service service_name


Registers the server software as a Windows service; provide the name for the service. This is useful if there is no browser on the server machine, but you want the server software to launch automatically.

Also available in the browser interface; see Stopping the Windows service

-install_service rlm

-isv startup_delay

Delays the startup time of the ISV server by the specified number of seconds. This allows time for the IP address to be acquired for license verification, and also for any dongle drivers to be located.

This time delay can be specified at installation and it is recommended. The default is 60 seconds.

-isv startup_delay 10


Launches the RLM server, prints the version number to the Command Prompt, and exits.

Also available in the browser interface; click System Info from the main Server Administration screen.



Prints information about all RLM copies running on the server machine over the last 24 hours, and exits.

Also available in the browser interface; click System Info from the main Server Administration screen.



Windows service settings

Requiring server passwords

Controlling RLM options