Issue key | Issue id |
VB-157410 | AHA: Crash during IFC Export because of 1st Level Boundaries |
VB-159961 | CW Window Error IFC Export |
VB-159987 | CW Window Error IFC Export |
VB-167455 | Marionette Control Point resetting parameters |
VB-170371 | Cropping a section viewport with clipping tool loses Data Tags, won't reattach them |
VB-173928 | Executing "Export as Vectorworks File" to the particular file in VW2021. When opening it in VW2019-VW2016 and execute rendering to crash. |
VB-174627 | Can't put back grid after delete |
VB-174666 | Grid Line objects incorrectly take on the default marker attributes. |
VB-174973 | Marionette objects disappearing in 2021 |
VB-175162 | Snapping Fails on Wall Components in SLVPs When Document Class is Invisible |
VB-175535 | *Crash with Publishing Multiple Sheets to PDF |
VB-176058 | 0005811: Document blocks when exporting to PDF with specific settings |
VB-176699 | *Using the visibility tool on DLVPs crashes VW--CVisibilityToolDef_EventSink::SetToolTip |
VB-176960 | Data Manager: Slab Material Mapping (odd behaviour/function: GETMATERIALINFO) |
VB-177181 | Roof face hole cut displaces with ifc export |
VB-177902 | 2D Locus "North Point" doesn't works as North Point Position |
VB-178104 | Spelling error in VSS library March |
VB-178434 | Concatenated installer strings |
VB-178486 | import / export marionette symbols breaks the marionette objects in the symbol |
VB-178559 | Clipped Section viewport creates one section and one viewport, ghosted sections |
VB-178791 | Horizontal Section Viewports Suddenly Change to a Confused Regular Viewport |
VB-178819 | If executed "Edit Current Workspace" command menu only for the Japanese version of Windows, part of the command menu will not be displayed. |
VB-179001 | Import Existing Trees - Importing a file that has newlines in a data cell causes a crash |
VB-179073 | The data manager does not completely save the XML |
VB-179077 | Pasting section viewport crashes Vectorworks |
VB-179130 | IFC "Reference" values of ComputerWorks Doors and Windows not exported correctly |
VB-179131 | Vectorworks is loosing connection to Solibri as soon as I choose the command "Save and commit" |
VB-179760 | IFC Mapping issue |
VB-179942 | VWGDTFExchange not compatible message launching 2021 SP4 RC1 Acceptance Test build on macOS 10.13.6 |
VB-180301 | ConnectCAD: Possible 2021SP3 forward translation issue |
VB-180303 | DWG Export: Only hatched or solid filled polys with arc vertices might need reversing |
VB-180308 | DOM: Section Viewports degenerates into viewports clip tool |
VB-180501 | Design Layers loses their Stories and Level Types after Object scale |
VB-180547 | Title Block Border: Drawing Stamp and North Point's position is not linked to the x and y fields in the Edit Title Block Border Style dialogue and so subsequently the position is not remembered. |
VB-180589 | *Draw line results in a crash |
VB-180590 | Space Decimal values not exported to IFC |
VB-180619 | ConnectCAD: Rack 2D width parameter should affect the graphics of the rack |
VB-180621 | ConnectCAD: Equipment item not detecting rack slots when placed on the right side of the rack |
VB-180711 | Mac Monterey: Crash when opening from Project Sharing Server |
VB-180725 | DWF Export: Crash in TD_DWF_EXPORT::OdDwfDevice::rasterImageProc |
VB-180741 | *Crash during project sharing save operation on Mac Monterey |
VB-180783 | ConnectCAD: Check Drawing doesn't detect coincident circuits |
VB-180859 | Crash on project sharing setup dialog |
VB-180871 | Publishing DWF items crashes Vectorworks on Monterey |
VB-181001 | Georeferenced DWG Import: Viewport doubles coordinates after second import |
VB-181284 | Crash in Landscape!LandscapeArea::CTINLandscapeArea::CalcLandscapeAreaMesh(void) |
VB-181433 | DWG Export without hatches in a cropped viewport |
VB-181560 | Project Sharing - Save and Commit issue with Spaces |
VB-181622 | DWG Export: Parking Spaces are gone |
VB-181948 | Referenced Design Layer lose Story Information |
VB-182065 | Python and Vectorscript: EXL_GetSheetIndex not returning index of Excel sheet |
VB-182108 | Crash when change record field type |
VB-182579 | Lighting Devices duplicated when Export to previous version |
VB-182613 | IFC Export fails to resolve 'Type Name'. |
VB-182716 | 2022 File Open/Translate crash |
VB-183075 | Canceling the PS alert when opening a WF does not cancel the opening of the file |
VB-183747 | 'Help > Install Partner Products' does not show Installed Partner Products |
Nr | Opis |
0000 | Aktualizacja artykułów z bazy wiedzy na potrzeby wsparcia technicznego Vectorworks. |
0000 | Biblioteki – Udostępniono nowe Biblioteki Premium: Adezz i Furns, zawierające elementy małej architektury i wyposażenia ogrodowego. |
0000 | Zestawienie okien/drzwi – Dodano opcję umożliwiająca pogrupowanie powtarzających się okien, z pominięciem warstw, w których się znajdują. |
0000 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne/wewnętrzne – Dodano nową opcję wymiarowania okien, uwzględniającą oprócz wymiarów otworu także zewnętrzny wymiar ramy. |
0000 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Dodano opcję umożliwiającą tworzenie drzwi harmonijkowych. |
0000 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Nieprawidłowa jednostka IfcAssembly przypisywana do okien podczas eksportu do IFC. |
6081 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Zapisywanie okna/drzwi w formie okna projektowego w bibliotekach nie działa prawidłowo. |
5338 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – W kategoriach Atrybuty graficzne i Dodatki niektóre pola nachodzą na siebie (dotyczy tylko macOS). |
4762 | Okno lub drzwi wewnętrzne – W narzędziu brakuje funkcji umożliwiającej wstawianie klamek drzwiowych. |
6045 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Podczas przeliczania okna wyposażonego w roletę skrzynkową pojawia się błąd. |
6079 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Prymitywy obiektów i aktualizacja okien projektowych generują błędy w konkretnym pliku. |
5863 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Narzędzie ignoruje ustawienia profili zdefiniowane przed wstawieniem obiektu. |
4579 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Błąd przy przycinaniu szyb w oknach narożnych. |
5767 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Eksport do formatu IFC nie uwzględnia panelu w oknie/drzwiach, przez co w modelu IFC powstaje luka. |
5780 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Rama okna dwuskrzydłowego jest eksportowana jako ifcDoor zamiast ifcWindow. |
5781 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Szyba okna dwuskrzydłowego jest eksportowana jako pojedyncza jednostka ifcWindow. |
5896 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Wypełnienie skrzydła w formie panelu nie eksportuje się do formatu IFC. |
5765 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Edycja okna/drzwi generuje komunikat o błędzie związanym z prymitywami obiektów w konkretnym pliku. |
6362 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Dodano ogólne klasy. |
6363 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Etykiety były przypisywane do nieprawidłowych klas. |
5367 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Klamki nie powinny wyświetlać się w widoku 2D. |
5965 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Vectorworks zawiesza się podczas przeliczania przegrody strukturalnej zawierającej okno/drzwi. |
6173 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Vectorworks zawiesza się w przypadku wprowadzenia określonych parametrów okna/drzwi. |
6346 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Vectorworks zawiesza się podczas modyfikowania okna/drzwi w określonym pliku. |
6385 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Naroża łukowe są podzielone na segmenty. |
6483 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – W podglądzie ustawień parametr „Wysokość” wyświetla błędną wartość. |
6370 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Nieprawidłowy widok drzwi przesuwnych z czteroma skrzydłami. |
6382 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Wartości pomiarowe znikają. |
6376 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Przypisywanie zestawu atrybutów z poziomu palety Info nie działa. |
5640 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Vectorworks zawiesza się podczas przekształcania drzwi pełnych w przeszklone. |
6305 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Błąd w rzeczywistym kącie otwarcia powoduje, że okno/drzwi otwierają się w złym kierunku. |
6297 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Vectorworks zawiesza się podczas wstawiania w ścianę okna z parapetem. |
6307 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Vectorworks zawiesza się w przypadku wprowadzenia określonych parametrów. |
6311 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Błąd przekroju powoduje awarię Vectorworks. |
6403 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – W określonym oknie wykryto brakujące lub zamienione elementy. |
6417 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Edycja symbolu etykiety zmienia widok rysunku na 3D (dotyczy tylko macOS). |
6548 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Otwarcie bram uchylnych nie powinno być definiowane w stopniach. |
6557 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne – Opcja wyboru głównej klasy w oknie ustawień jest niedostępna. |
5752 | Zestawienie okien/drzwi – W zestawieniu brakuje wiersza przeznaczonego na odporność ogniową. |
5756 | Zestawienie okien/drzwi – Zestawienie uwzględnia także definicję okna projektowego, co nie powinno mieć miejsca. |
6556 | Zestawienie okien/drzwi – W przypadku okien/drzwi z otworem wyświetla się komunikat „Nieprawidłowe wymiary strony” (dotyczy tylko macOS). |
6350 | Ujednolicono ciągi tekstowe w instalatorze. |
6277 | Biblioteki – Dodano nowe biblioteki z układami etykiet danych. |
6252 | Biblioteki – Wprowadzono spójne zmiany terminologiczne w bibliotekach ramek rysunkowych. |
5629 | Biblioteki – Niektóre symbole 2D w narzędziu Schemat elektryczny - element i ich ekwiwalenty 3D mają te same nazwy. |
6459 | Biblioteki – Niektóre symbole 2D w narzędziu Schemat elektryczny - połączenie i ich ekwiwalenty 3D mają te same nazwy. |
6464 | Biblioteki – Dodano nowe arkusze kalkulacyjne przeznaczone do zestawień roślin. |
6348 | Biblioteki – Nieprawidłowy widok podglądu stylów ramek rysunkowych. |
5910 | Biblioteki – Niektóre style płyt są nieprzetłumaczone. |
6409 | Strefa – Problemy związane z funkcjonowaniem narzędzia i wyświetlaniem etykiet stref. |
6425 | Drzwi wewnętrzne – Drzwi pobierają atrybuty znaczników początkowych/końcowych z palety Atrybuty. |
6441 | Drzwi wewnętrzne – Wstawianie drzwi w ścianę nie działa prawidłowo. |
5858 | Szafa niestandardowa – Błąd podczas edycji szafy niestandardowej. |
6507 | Szafa – W przypadku zbyt długiej klasy szafy jej podklasy są powielane. |
6540 | Szafka dolna – Określone ustawienia powodują znikanie niektórych części frontów. |
6272 | Nieprawidłowe wcięcie w ostrzeżeniu wyświetlanym podczas tworzenia sceny za pomocą polecenia Utwórz scenę. |
6257 | Nieprawidłowy ciąg tekstowy w edytorze środowiska roboczego. |
<VB-73271> | (V1)Trim tool doesn't always work correctly |
<VB-114389> | 9+ Story layers on Ifc export |
<VB-119845> | Script Editor: no undo |
<VB-136939> | IFC Lat / Long values in Georeferencing are different from Solibri / Revit |
<VB-140401> | Worksheet "Edit Criteria" returns "Invalid Factor" when 'Does Not Contain" is used |
<VB-140439> | Inner Boundary Mode of Space Tool doesn't support columns correct |
<VB-146617> | Copy & Paste in Place in rotated Etrude is wrong |
<VB-147288> | Translate Ctrl-TAB titles |
<VB-148378> | About Unshaded / Shaded rendering result of VW2018. |
<VB-148663> | Error with Paste_In_Place inside an Extrude's profile group |
<VB-150349> | Slab objects are disappearing |
<VB-156521> | Background Render: Unshaded / Shaded Polygon with "extra lines" |
<VB-156948> | Some fields in are nto showing as localizade when editing the Lighting Device Parameters |
<VB-159000> | Section Viewport Can't Be Selected in SP3 By Clicking on Plane Geometry |
<VB-159878> | Marionette; NURBS node issues |
<VB-160560> | Slabs Disappear |
<VB-162543> | Schematic View Fixture Rotation Issue |
<VB-162768> | Zoom out causes exit from edit seating mode |
<VB-162863> | FS: IFC Export - Mapped Custom Record Fields are not exported |
<VB-164304> | Spotlight: Schematic View fails for curved raked truss that is 3D only |
<VB-164785> | Event Design > Create Room... has too many error messages |
<VB-165991> | Lighting instruments in schematic views not shown in the correct 3D orientation |
<VB-166014> | When you duplicate Lighting Device in Schematic View a minor alert should displays |
<VB-166157> | Unable to edit default pop-up type fields in Spotlight Preference dialog |
<VB-166210> | Video screen in Schematic View object isn't visible if you don't update the rigging object in Schematic view |
<VB-166235> | Objects Get Inserted in the Wrong Location with Rotated Plan and Modified User Origin |
<VB-166528> | When using Tool "Roadway (Tee)", in the branch part, the class specified as "Paving" class / "Curb" class texture is not reflected. |
<VB-166882> | Section Viewport: 2D Cut Component objects with no fill should not take on Section Class fill |
<VB-166920> | If the numerical value displayed in the Volumetric Properties" is five-digit number or more |
<VB-168300> | T01946: Objects paste in Edit Layout Mode in wrong location |
<VB-168337> | Aligned Hardscape Corrupts Hardscape Path : JBC |
<VB-168587> | Paste In Place does not work in Object's path edit mode |
<VB-168776> | AHA: Negative values (for west and south hemisphere) in the IFC export dialog not accepted |
<VB-168800> | DWG Export: 2D polys in 3D plane export wrongly to DXF/DWG |
<VB-168922> | The column widths in the data manager are not saved. |
<VB-169271> | Rounded stage does not insert correctly based on mode bar options |
<VB-169911> | Datatags do not work on grouped PIO with sub-PIOs |
<VB-170294> | T02063 - "Create Server-Based Project File" Dialog No Longer Shows Default Address After Installation |
<VB-170651> | Roof Faces Fail to Show Surface Hatches in VGM Hidden Line |
<VB-170682> | Slab is corrupted an disappears when you try to edit it. |
<VB-171112> | ALA: Dimension in flipped symbol show up on the wrong side of the line |
<VB-171482> | Revision Cloud doesn't support Rotated Plan |
<VB-171514> | Schematic Views and Accessories |
<VB-172022> | Hanging Position in Schematic View - Spotlight |
<VB-172431> | Wrong IFC-export of Pillar objects |
<VB-172469> | The window object is created in different than the predefined class |
<VB-172993> | Lighting Accessories not applied to Schematic Views |
<VB-173009> | Plant: After you Replace Plant Style the Plant ID is set to "__NNA_TEMP_PLANT_SYMBOL-1" |
<VB-173620> | Accessory insertion tool shows layout symbol in the preview |
<VB-173772> | Wrong Section Viewport because of the Line Thickness |
<VB-173824> | Revit import: If you import two Revit files in one .vwx file the symbols aren't correct |
<VB-173847> | If selecting Dash Style from the Dash Style pulldown in the Line Render Options dialog and open the pulldown again, a different Dash Style may have a check mark. MacOS version specific |
<VB-173875> | IFC Export: Pillars fly |
<VB-173899> | Structural Members Show a Random Bevel/Miter Angle After Disconnecting Join |
<VB-173932> | Plant tool preferences imports default plant even when plant is in the document |
<VB-173934> | Incorrect help text in landscape area tool preferences |
<VB-173965> | Revit import - Wall Clipping issues |
<VB-174037> | Trim Tool Fails Inside Symbol Edit Mode at Certain Zoom Levels |
<VB-174041> | Hatch Navigation Graphics |
<VB-174049> | Export Web View to Temporary Cloud Storage fails |
<VB-174120> | ReverseTranslate sanitizer crash |
<VB-174224> | BUG Datavisualization Publisher |
<VB-174235> | Help - Vectorworks Service Select points to VSS Portal |
<VB-174263> | *Spotlight/Braceworks : Moving truss pieces instantly crashes the program -- Infinite Loop |
<VB-174281> | Revit export has missing walls |
<VB-174303> | Undoing the Landscape area style garden styles takes longer |
<VB-174305> | DrawingLabelBoundary class persists if you delete the object |
<VB-174327> | Spotlight Renderiing options: None is not localized |
<VB-174385> | *UndoController::Resume_DO_NOT_USE crashed on multi threads |
<VB-174449> | Cable Sets are not localized in Cable Preferences |
<VB-174457> | Exterior walls fail Revit export/import |
<VB-174473> | Incorrect symbol thumbnail view after Revit Import |
<VB-174563> | Worksheet Edit Formula looses changes on error |
<VB-174606> | Paste In-place of objects within Smart Marker Layouts are placed in wrong location |
<VB-174613> | Spotlight Numbering Fields not in sync with Parameter Settings |
<VB-174639> | You've removed the ability to paste viewports from drawing to drawing |
<VB-174661> | Spotligtht Lighting Device Tool Automatic numbering not working |
<VB-174662> | Data tag insertion offset does not work correctly |
<VB-174684> | Key "cable_Set_All" duplicated in Cable_Obj.vwstrings |
<VB-174688> | Key "None" duplicated in DlgSetSpotlightRenderingOptions.vwstrings |
<VB-174706> | In 'edit accessory', lighting device does not adjust Z height if (clamp) accessoire is inserted with rotation (custom insertion mode) |
<VB-174715> | Cable Style Class Fails to Get Locked on Newly-Created Objects |
<VB-174718> | Marionette; external library geopy not working |
<VB-174766> | Converting to Lighting Device resets 3D Rotation in Symbols |
<VB-174783> | Spotlight lighting device accessory edit weight bug |
<VB-174787> | Marionette: This network does not run when converted to object |
<VB-174793> | Undo Mirrored Landscape area styles takes more than 5 minutes to finish the operation |
<VB-174807> | Space: Subtraction Value is wrong |
<VB-174813> | Section Viewport: Merge Structural Object with Same Fill option results in missing lines |
<VB-174824> | Edit symbol from a worksheet causes VW to hang |
<VB-174825> | *TSlabDrainageToolData::UpdateCursor crashed |
<VB-174837> | Vectorworks crashing when importing data from ODBC. |
<VB-174840> | RW/Enscape: Material delete doesn't get processed correctly |
<VB-174862> | Spotlight, Deadhang bridles insertion problem |
<VB-174874> | Some ConnectCAD tools creates English classes |
<VB-174890> | Animation Path Exports as a Rotated Floor to IFC |
<VB-174900> | *Undo in Edit Viewport Crop Mode Crashes/Hangs Vectorworks--SyncVPCropEditing |
<VB-174901> | "Internal error - bad parameter encountered during disk I/O operation..." appears when you save project sharing file in the Vectorworks Cloud Services beta folder |
<VB-174905> | *Vectorworks 2021 crashes when trying to align two hardscapes with a third which contains a curve--Hardscape::UnitePolyWithAdjacent |
<VB-174920> | ConnectCAD: Circuit numbers overlap on multiply connected sockets |
<VB-174928> | Displays 2D components of a symbol even it's hiding behind other objects. |
<VB-174943> | Python VS.GetVSVar results incorrect for String. |
<VB-174954> | TNurbsCurve::Degree crashed |
<VB-174963> | On specific Mac computer, user can not browse though RM by search bar |
<VB-174970> | DXF Export. A single block is created for representing two viewports with different Data Visualization. |
<VB-174975> | Viewport Graphics Become Corrupted After Undoing Out of Crop Edit Mode |
<VB-174987> | Publish: Custom Naming Scheme issues with spaces |
<VB-174990> | Even if the Impedance (ohms) of the speaker is set in the Array Detail and Configuration dialog, it is not reflected in the Speaker. * This is a new setting added in VW2021. |
<VB-174993> | *When executed "Edit Slab Addition Settings" in the context menu, VW will crash. |
<VB-175003> | Grade Object Settings dialog - Help text needs revision |
<VB-175004> | Structural Member's Ends Take on the Wrong Angle After Connection |
<VB-175010> | Chamfer Tool Fails on Polylines |
<VB-175024> | House Rigging Point:Class dialog: The Assign Default Classes with Prefix should be renamed to Use Standard Classes |
<VB-175031> | Vectorworks crashed in debug when choosing "Auto-Boundary" from PullDown in Space object OIP |
<VB-175035> | Data Visualization Schemes Fail to Export to VW 2020 |
<VB-175042> | Section Elevation Line angled Text |
<VB-175047> | Revit import: The Windows are placed under the round wall |
<VB-175049> | Vectorworks - Lighting Device - Multiple selection > Custom Gobos |
<VB-175053> | *CreateWallAccess crashed |
<VB-175072> | export script creates material out of order re resources it needs |
<VB-175081> | Section Line: Resizing of the section line which is in 3D isn't correct if the file is translated to Vectorwroks 2021 |
<VB-175082> | When executed the Import Single DXF/DWG" |
<VB-175085> | Markers: If you mirror a marker which is placed in the design layer with elevation the Plane value of the mirrored marker is changed |
<VB-175095> | Data Visualization is incorrect after Purge |
<VB-175096> | Railing not Visible on Deck after Exporting to IFC |
<VB-175110> | Sheet number Text Doesn't get Rotated with rest of Section Elevation Line in Sheet Layer Viewport |
<VB-175122> | Spotlight Braceworks: OIP gives misleading information for Hanging Positions |
<VB-175126> | Undo bug when editing a group in multiple panes |
<VB-175127> | KLS: Hardscape, Option Interpolate Surface slows down drawing daramtically |
<VB-175128> | Vw crashes updating Section viewports containing Hardscapes |
<VB-175129> | Worksheet recalculation after each action |
<VB-175146> | Align Center yields unexpected results |
<VB-175149> | Can't create Sheet Layer Viewport that includes Design Layer Viewport |
<VB-175150> | DLSVP is at the wrong location with Best Performance |
<VB-175153> | ConnectCAD: Rack values (power, weight) do not update when equipment is removed |
<VB-175158> | Railing/fence: vertical and horizontal frame bars don't show correctly when selected to be flat |
<VB-175165> | No visual feedback when deleting one of multiple Lighting Device Accessories in 3D |
<VB-175178> | Schedule Formatting dialog box: Change Ok button to OK |
<VB-175187> | Spotlight Numbering not working properly for absolute adress |
<VB-175190> | VGM "Best Performance" is not showing the correct view |
<VB-175192> | Lighting Pipe and Ladder need to check ShowFootprint in default values when opening older file |
<VB-175194> | Project Sharing: The marker doesn't navigate to the correct viewport when you change name of the viewport when you refresh the working file |
<VB-175197> | Create uneditable 3D objects in VW |
<VB-175201> | The navigation palette tabs tear away too easily |
<VB-175206> | KLS: Revit import cannot be used in Vectorworks |
<VB-175208> | Querying the lambda in a compound material returns an unexpected value |
<VB-175214> | Edit Cell and Edit Accessory choices should be removed from the LW data exchange field list |
<VB-175223> | Video Camera issues in English and localized versions |
<VB-175235> | Arri L7 wrong direction |
<VB-175238> | Migrationmanager does not migrate plantdatabase images |
<VB-175243> | Space's Glazed Area Calculation Fails to Recognize More Than One Symbol Instance |
<VB-175250> | Accessories don't show in schematic views of Lighting Devices |
<VB-175254> | *Crash log shows up upon quitting |
<VB-175257> | Delete mode of Lighting Accessory Tool doesn't take into account additional plan rotation or rotation of Lighting Device in schematic view |
<VB-175259> | The Delete mode of the Insert Accessory Tool ghosts a selector in schematic views when the Lighting Device has no accessories |
<VB-175269> | ConnectCAD: Sockets on OUT type Connector Panels set the source connector type instead of destination |
<VB-175274> | Space interface function CSpaceObjectSupportImpl::GetSpaceNamesOrOccOrganizations() return always SpaceDataSelector::SpaceNames |
<VB-175277> | Landscape Area Border Style Cloud Line issue |
<VB-175285> | ConnectCAD: Editing device info in worksheet does not update equipment |
<VB-175286> | ConnectCAD: Editing equipment in worksheet does not re-calculate rack data |
<VB-175297> | User origin moves with export to VW2020 |
<VB-175305> | *Crash When Attempting Create Objects from Shapes into Landscape Area |
<VB-175309> | Orange Highlight not present on all selected Lighting Devices when in OIP 'Edit' |
<VB-175314> | Drawing Label numbers change when a 2020 file is opened in 2021 |
<VB-175316> | QRT - Horizontal Section viewport not displaying DLVP if cut plane is outside viewport extents |
<VB-175324> | Section Elevation Line Text Scale |
<VB-175326> | Issue with Undo after using Lighting Accessory Delete |
<VB-175330> | Lighting Accessory geometry not showing unless zoom in or out after using delete and undo |
<VB-175336> | ConnectCAD: Not fully shown words in drop-down in the Device builder dialog (Win only) |
<VB-175339> | Add data tag to section VP caused VW to hang |
<VB-175341> | moving data tag in section viewport caused hang |
<VB-175343> | Export of Web View to temporary storage results in a Script error message [retire this option?] |
<VB-175349> | Data tag: The Start Value field has "#" value in the Sequence Settings dialog |
<VB-175350> | KLS: Hoist symbol name localized to german causes failure since 2021 |
<VB-175352> | Data tag: If you change the tag field definition of a styled data tag the created objects are reset |
<VB-175355> | Structural Member Pen Color Can't be Changed in 2021 When "Line Style" 2D Graphics are Used |
<VB-175356> | Scaling Influence Lines dialog has incorrect tooltip for (-) Vz |
<VB-175369> | Viewport Class Overrides Show Multiple Hatch Fills at Two Different Scales in SP2 |
<VB-175372> | The referenced Record Format cannot be edited in the active file. |
<VB-175375> | (only Windows) Deletion of Script may not be smooth. The deletion of Script may not be reflected until the palette is redisplayed. |
<VB-175377> | ConnectCAD: Pan on entering device edit mode |
<VB-175378> | When exiting the Lighting Device Accessory Edit screen, the Custom Insertion Mode on the Lighting Accessory tool toolbar does not return to Remove Mode. |
<VB-175380> | Distance Falloff settings in the Set Spotlight Rendering Options dialog are not saved. |
<VB-175381> | Background settings revert to "None" in the Set Spotlight Rendering Options dialog. |
<VB-175383> | "Multiple view panes" mode does not properly support Edit group behavior |
<VB-175385> | Space settings left pane needs help text |
<VB-175402> | When the focus point is set, the Pan or Tilt value cannot be changed. |
<VB-175403> | Question:The list browser in the "Focus Lighting Devices" dialog is not sorted by Channel number. |
<VB-175408> | IFC4 Import fails |
<VB-175409> | Organisation Dialogue: Use Class Attributes |
<VB-175415> | Plugin Label Text Takes-On the Wrong Size When Exported from VW 2021 |
<VB-175419> | Instrument Summary > Build List > problems with freezing VW |
<VB-175424> | ConnectCAD: Equipment Items cannot be rotated |
<VB-175426> | The angle precision changes when a Stake object creation. |
<VB-175427> | An image that being imported as "Image Resource" won't be referenced even checked "Reference" when importing. |
<VB-175428> | ConnectCAD: Update Rack Elevation creates duplicate equipment item |
<VB-175431> | Spotlight - Distributor - Wrong Cable Message |
<VB-175434> | Spotlight - Creat Hoist Report Bug |
<VB-175443> | Design Layer Viewport Crop Fails After DWG Import (Best Performance) |
<VB-175449> | Space Modifiers Shift When Source Objects Are at a Different Elevation |
<VB-175457> | KLS: Complex line editor, red line missing |
<VB-175461> | A problem with Split Tool (Point Split Fails When Underlying Objects Exist) |
<VB-175463> | DLSVP with scale != 1 somehow made it into a file |
<VB-175465> | Crash on DMX Patch System change |
<VB-175466> | Bug in VectorScript on the vs.GetVSVar function |
<VB-175475> | Browsing a document inside the Resource Manager, appears to set you up for a crash, importing tags inside the Organization dialog |
<VB-175482> | Braceworks - Bridle Calculation - workload of drops at 0% |
<VB-175483> | Crash upon changing layer |
<VB-175487> | Conversion issue with Reference Markers |
<VB-175490> | 3D Plane Objects Get Pasted on the Wrong Plane in SP3 |
<VB-175494> | Bitmap in VP Annotations doesn't display when flipped |
<VB-175496> | File crashes when switching from Top/Plan to Front view -Multi threads -- RenderPipeline::CMeshDataProvider::CreateMeshData |
<VB-175500> | Vectorworks Crashes Updating a Viewport |
<VB-175509> | Hoist Tool, Measurement label option missing help text |
<VB-175524> | Rotation and Position Issues on Truss with MVR Import |
<VB-175525> | CDR: Deleting Grid Line hangs up Vectorworks |
<VB-175529> | Section elevation style, unable to edit from OIP after converting to instance |
<VB-175531> | Bad Revit export |
<VB-175536> | Crash message when closing VWX |
<VB-175564> | Lighting Device Accessory does not appear in Schematic View |
<VB-175566> | Crash if export to 2020 |
<VB-175583> | Tile fills in Slab components not mapped correctly in Section Viewports |
<VB-175591> | Markers in Section-Elevation Lines and Detail Callouts shift when displayed in viewports with a Text Scale other than 1 |
<VB-175592> | Space style loses the value of AreaPerOccupant when converted |
<VB-175600> | Help: Choose 'What's this' and click on File>Import>Import>import IGES (3D only) you go to welcome page |
<VB-175602> | The function ApplyMarkerStyle does not set second ptofile grup. |
<VB-175604> | Exit Seating button causes VW to crash |
<VB-175606> | Seating Section Tool - oval and rectangle modes don't work in rotated plan |
<VB-175607> | Seating Section Tool - Oval mode broken when oval is drawn right-to-left |
<VB-175609> | North Arrow in Viewport Annotations does not allow rotation in georeferenced file |
<VB-175610> | Project Sharing _VCS: After you click OK in the Entity Name Conflict dialog the "Failure on attempt to open file" error displays |
<VB-175620> | Project Sharing, Canceling Viewport Classes will prompts the user to check Out Viewport Object |
<VB-175628> | ConnectCAD: Compare List and Drawing does not detect missing devices and sockets |
<VB-175632> | Vectorworks crashes when I try to dock a palette |
<VB-175641> | Braceworks Influence lines error |
<VB-175644> | KLS: Title Block uses rounded values instead of the defined values |
<VB-175651> | No Horizontal Fold Marks with SIA-Style and Minus Margins |
<VB-175652> | Undo bug when editing a parametric objects profile group with multiple panes causing VW to crash |
<VB-175653> | IFC export pillar misplaced |
<VB-175656> | Spotlight truss insertion class display problem |
<VB-175663> | ConnectCAD: There is difference between first and folowing inserted devices when using Update Rack Elevation |
<VB-175665> | Swapped values in DoorStyle after IFC Import |
<VB-175672> | Drawing Label: 2020 -> 2021: Rounded Rectangles look like rectangles and text has white solid fill |
<VB-175674> | Section line 2020 -> 2021: If a section line has a Marker size value different than the default value its preview isn't correct when you move the marker in Vectorworsk 2021 |
<VB-175675> | ConnectCAD: Socket / External TYPE icons |
<VB-175680> | Big sur acceptance test - display in Hatch edit dialog |
<VB-175681> | ConnectCAD: Renumber Devices does not disconnect device from Equip Item |
<VB-175683> | Section Line markers not scaled correctly on forward translation |
<VB-175684> | ConnectCAD: Number Display needs a refresh after inserting new cables in the source socket |
<VB-175690> | Viewport: lines out of box after rotation |
<VB-175693> | Marionette: GetType Node returns 0 for no items |
<VB-175702> | Multi-line text not wrapping correctly in worksheet images |
<VB-175710> | Data Tags: reported Area ignores holes in Slabs |
<VB-175713> | ConnectCAD: Externals not forward translating from 2019 |
<VB-175723> | Crash in multi view while editing PIO plan group |
<VB-175735> | Problem with accents in the search in the Resource Browser |
<VB-175740> | BIMObject - BigSur - M1 - Chromium window has cut off navigation icons |
<VB-175752> | Structural Member 2D Attributes are poorly defined when "Set Attributes By" is set to "Material" |
<VB-175779> | Material: Description isn't translated |
<VB-175785> | Z_64 CW Window Label Problems |
<VB-175796> | Navigation Graphics - Best Performance: Polygon won't display during Pan and Zoom when using both a Line Style and Marker |
<VB-175802> | "Space Area Modifier Object" cannot be changed. |
<VB-175803> | *switching between drawings causes crash -PruneObjectScaledBodyCachesInDocument |
<VB-175808> | The Plane of the pasted 2D object is Symbol Definition if you past the object in the Edit Symbol mode |
<VB-175847> | Structural Member: IFC defaults always steel shape, unregarded type choice |
<VB-175873> | ConnectCAD: Rack depth is not respecting document units |
<VB-175884> | Missing lines in VGM "Best Performance" |
<VB-175890> | Fitting a space object to the underside of roof loses the space's 3D colour |
<VB-175893> | OpenGL Viewport fails with attached file |
<VB-175897> | Slab disappears after being moved |
<VB-175899> | Video Screen position is wrong when the user moves the screen and both riggings at once |
<VB-175906> | Marionette: copy/paste network onto design layer with different scale disconnects nodes |
<VB-175922> | ConnectCAD: Rack Frame report incorrect |
<VB-175930> | *VW crash when editing drain settings |
<VB-175942> | Project Revision History Worksheets Incorrectly Format Cells with Date Format : JBC |
<VB-175948> | Lighting Device Not Visible in 3D Views (recent regression) |
<VB-175957> | *Major Crash in 2021 when importing standard detail symbols |
<VB-175980> | Spotlight numbering Fixture ID |
<VB-175981> | Tag Field crashes Vectorworks |
<VB-175996> | DataTag does not considers neasted PIOs when calculation the position of the leader line. |
<VB-176041> | Opening any 2021 file version from the VCS folder shows a warning that the file is in a shared folder |
<VB-176049> | *Vectorworks crashes if running Undo after placing Slab Drainage objects --TSlabDrainageToolData::UpdateCursor |
<VB-176054> | When executed the Import Revit" to the particular revit file |
<VB-176073> | Landmark Plant ID reverting to : __NNA_TEMP_PLANT_SYMBOL |
<VB-176097> | Project Sharing: change fill style between solid and class style doesn't work |
<VB-176099> | Trim tool inconsistent |
<VB-176101> | Text Pen Opacity Shows Incorrectly During Navigation (Best Performance) |
<VB-176111> | Select "Add new database table column" in "Object Database Connection", and crash when "OK" is pressed. |
<VB-176113> | Translating folders of Structural Member default content make symbols unavailable |
<VB-176131> | Files saved in perspective view open in top view |
<VB-176142> | Hardscape with Slab Drainage is not exported to IFC |
<VB-176145> | If the opening angle in the 3D display pane of the advanced door settings is 91 degrees or more, it will be displayed as an exponent. |
<VB-176149> | Batch Convert: files freeze VW |
<VB-176153> | ConnectCAD: Device Builder logging not working |
<VB-176155> | Marionette: Networks that ran previously using external libraries are no longer working |
<VB-176161> | *Crashing Switching to a Sheet from 3D view |
<VB-176174> | ConnectCAD: Symbol Insertion tool not seeing Objects-ConnectCAD folder |
<VB-176187> | Plant z-value changes with components |
<VB-176191> | Area sum of multiple space objects not shown anymore in OI-palette |
<VB-176195> | Lighting Device Accessories are not translated properly |
<VB-176200> | detachable tab palettes |
<VB-176210> | Title Block Glitch |
<VB-176211> | Missing fields on accessory added to a lighting device |
<VB-176215> | Project sharing: Visibility of the design layer is changed in Viewport Layer Properties dialog for design layer viewport after save and commit |
<VB-176227> | Drainage slab in 2021 SP1 is deleted when opened in SP3 |
<VB-176247> | Purge can delete texture used by building material of kept coincident object |
<VB-176248> | Align Distribute Parking Stalls |
<VB-176252> | *Data Tags / IFC interaction: instant crash upon edit field |
<VB-176260> | Mat Classification Standard not Loading if in Workgroup and Project Folder |
<VB-176272> | Title Block Manager worksheet updating is slow |
<VB-176275> | Field of Record Format miss in IFC |
<VB-176280> | File with Design Layer section viewports crashes when exporting to DWG |
<VB-176284> | Trim Tool Often Fails Starting in 2021 SP2 |
<VB-176288> | ConnectCAD: Custom device label symbol shrinks |
<VB-176289> | Spotlight: Current metric template originated in version 12.5. Please create from new from scratch in 2016. |
<VB-176291> | You can't assign a class to individual Landscape area styles |
<VB-176299> | Marionette: node names show numbers in resource manager |
<VB-176318> | Viewport Goes Missing with this workflow |
<VB-176319> | The material add event should be prior to Event_ObjectModifyMaterial |
<VB-176323> | ifc: Pset_WallCommon (and other common psets) are excluded by the datamanager, but still exported |
<VB-176331> | DWG hatch Import: Hatch doesn't appear the same in Vectorworks as it does in ACAD |
<VB-176350> | IFC Export - Missing Objects Based on Vectorworks Module |
<VB-176353> | DWF Export: Page size wrong on export from a design layer. |
<VB-176354> | Space: OI doesn't display area sum of multiple selected Spaces |
<VB-176368> | Female Truss Connection not Working |
<VB-176404> | Data tag cannot be applied to objects in Section Viewport |
<VB-176406> | Class of Space style |
<VB-176453> | *Crash while Convert to Vectorworks 2021 |
<VB-176508> | Title Block Manager freezes Vectorworks |
<VB-176529> | *Crash on create landscape area from polygon |
<VB-176530> | Landscape area highlight offset |
<VB-176545> | *VW Crashes When Canceling "Create Objects from Shapes" Dialog |
<VB-176546> | *CResourceManagerBreadcrumbControlImpl::PaintControl crashed - Win only |
<VB-176548> | Can't edit or create Data Visualization with custom Lighting Device fields |
<VB-176549> | Crash startup with ETCAugment3d PlugIn active |
<VB-176558> | *OZCad/NewZealand version, crash on launch if Navigation and Object Info Palettes are closed |
<VB-176575> | DWG Importfor an issue with referencing of DWG files with Georeferenced data in it |
<VB-176583> | Cloud Services: Shared-file warning needs wording improvement to address resource sharing |
<VB-176594> | Wireframe graphics do not get removed after enter solid |
<VB-176597> | vs.IsMtrlFillStyleByCls: definition has extra braket causing error |
<VB-176610> | BIMobject - activating BIMobject creates images that can be purged |
<VB-176629> | Unrestricted Resize of Planar Line Objects Fails in 2021 |
<VB-176648> | VCS - Vectorworks crashes when attempting to release without having the VCS app open and running |
<VB-176649> | Tiger Lake CPU Check |
<VB-176654> | ConnectCAD: Make it easier to spot newly created makes/models in the logging |
<VB-176673> | DWF Export: Custom page size is not accepted |
<VB-176679> | Gobo and Mark need to be added to discrete Lighting Device data |
<VB-176689> | Only one of the "Black and White Only" option and "Data Visualization" setting of Section Viewport should be effective, but depending on the operation procedure, both setting will be effective. |
<VB-176690> | Landscape Area: Can't find a Site Model if the "Site Model Layer" layer is not visible. |
<VB-176711> | vs.GetObjMaterialName twice in |
<VB-176715> | Section-Elevation Line: "Flip with section view direction" constraint flips text incorrectly |
<VB-176722> | *VW Freezes/Crashes When Exporting File to Previous Versions - CLightingDeviceData::GetParamString |
<VB-176725> | Spotlight numbering crashes when run on this file |
<VB-176733> | Undo does not work for Lighting Device paramters change |
<VB-176745> | Pasting symbol parts across components causes paradox OIP |
<VB-176774> | Plant objects not rendered properly when exported to TM |
<VB-176775> | Roof Faces Missing when Ski Lodge File is Exported to Twinmotion |
<VB-176779> | Gradient does not publish |
<VB-176780> | Option to disable Civil3D Error message |
<VB-176802> | [WISH] DWG Import alert dialog to have "Do Not Show Again" check box |
<VB-176866> | Edit lighting Device |
<VB-176873> | Spotlight - Lighting Device - Database |
<VB-176897> | "Point Split Mode" of the Split tool does not work under certain conditions. |
<VB-176899> | Z_65_Connecting V Truss Crash |
<VB-176915> | 2D Objects always pasting to Layer Plane |
<VB-176929> | SDK Viewport rename |
<VB-176942> | File crashes on open |
<VB-176955> | IFC Quantity Takeoff isn't exported for Structural Member's Covers |
<VB-176957> | Changing fill style to 'none' immediately after drawing a polygon or arc does not work on Windows |
<VB-176960> | Data Manager: Slab Material Mapping (odd behaviour/function: GETMATERIALINFO) |
<VB-176967> | 2D Components with additional 3D elements in PIOs |
<VB-176970> | Load Scheamtic Views do not account the orientation of the model parent when positioned. |
<VB-176971> | Creating Shematic View witness line is not working. |
<VB-176974> | Switching space style class from edit style dialog, will fail to show in OIP class field |
<VB-176976> | Association lost between Section-Elevation Line and its viewport after renaming viewport via script |
<VB-176979> | When rotating a Rectangular Tubing, it does not rotate center of the object. |
<VB-176990> | *Slab Drainage: Create Saddle Crash |
<VB-176994> | Exporting attached file without changing name causes application to hang |
<VB-177024> | *KLS: Slab drainage crashes when creating saddle |
<VB-177062> | When trimming an object, even unintended parts may be deleted. |
<VB-177073> | IFC Default Quantity Takeoffs - Roof Face doesn`t have Base Quantities exported |
<VB-177074> | IFC Default Quantity Takeoffs - Base Quantity NetArea is wrong on slab components |
<VB-177133> | Project Sharing, user is prompted to check out object when cancelling editing plants. |
<VB-177159> | IFC Default Quantity Takeoffs - Imperial unit wrong values for Volume |
<VB-177178> | Braceworks Calculation Display error |
<VB-177188> | Structural Members Pen Color Can't be Changed When Material is Applied |
<VB-177193> | Section Line's End Marker Geometry Shifts in 2021 SP3 |
<VB-177209> | Lighting Symbol Maintenance - Update Lighting Device Object no longer works |
Nr | Opis |
0000 | Dodano anglojęzyczną wersję interiorcad do środowisk roboczych dostępnych w Vectorworks. |
0000 | Udostępniono polską wersję językową Enscape, którą można dodać do środowiska roboczego Vectorworks. Zapewniono także wsparcie Enscape. |
0000 | Biblioteki – Wzbogacono biblioteki Vectorworks o nowe pliki: _Obrazy.vwx i _Tekstury standardowe.vwx, zawierające obrazy i tekstury kompatybilne również z Enscape. |
0000 | Biblioteki – Udostępniono nowe biblioteki Premium, zawierające meble od producenta Satelliet Meubelen, rowery i wyposażenie łazienkowe. |
5323 | Pomoc online – Nieprawidłowy link do polecenia Opublikuj. |
5835 | Pomoc online – Nieprawidłowe ikony do narzędzi Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne i Okno lub drzwi wewnętrzne. |
5591 | Pomoc online – Dodano nową tabelę zawierającą zestawienie różnych sposobów wymiarowania schodów (podstawowych). |
5822 | Pomoc online – Nieprawidłowy link do Cyfrowej serii rysunków. |
5838 | Do środowisk roboczych Spotlight, ConnectCAD i Braceworks dodano zestawy narzędzi Fasteners i Machine Components (narzędzia dostępne są w oryginalnej wersji anglojęzycznej). |
6099 | Nieprawidłowe nazwy poleceń „Paleta Wizualizacja” (w menu Okno) i podmenu „Wizualizacja” (w menu Spotlight). |
5875 | Zasoby do znaczników rozwinięcia ścian wewnętrznych są niedostępne w narzędziu. |
6080 | Polecenie Zaktualizuj dane wszystkich obiektów param. – Komunikat o błędzie związanym z prymitywami obiektów powraca nieustannie w konkretnym pliku. |
6004 | Niektóre atrybuty graficzne w narzędziach z zestawu Event Design wyświetlają się w języku angielskim. |
5950 | Biblioteki – Niektóre teksty w Ramkach rysunkowych wyświetalają się w języku angielskim. |
6120 | Biblioteki – Nieprawidłowa klasa przypisana do stylów płyt w pliku Wnętrza - Style.vwx. |
5880 | Biblioteki – Komponenty ścian są powiązane z nieistniejącą kondygnacją. |
6010 | Biblioteki – Domyślnym kolorem ustawionym dla Materiałów jest czarny. |
6090 | Polecenie Renowacja – Błąd tłumaczeniowy powoduje problem z etykietą klasy. |
VB-176364 | Datasmith: Application crashes when exporting in top/plan |
VB-177476 | Vectorworks 2021 SP3 crashes with plug-in compiled with SP2 SDK |
Issue id | Title |
VB-73271 | (V1)Trim tool doesn't always work correctly |
VB-114389 | 9+ Story layers on Ifc export |
VB-119845 | Script Editor: no undo |
VB-136939 | IFC Lat / Long values in Georeferencing are different from Solibri / Revit |
VB-140401 | Worksheet "Edit Criteria" returns "Invalid Factor" when 'Does Not Contain" is used |
VB-140439 | Inner Boundary Mode of Space Tool doesn't support columns correct |
VB-146617 | Copy & Paste in Place in rotated Etrude is wrong |
VB-147288 | Translate Ctrl-TAB titles |
VB-148378 | About Unshaded / Shaded rendering result of VW2018. |
VB-148663 | Error with Paste_In_Place inside an Extrude's profile group |
VB-150349 | Slab objects are disappearing |
VB-156521 | Background Render: Unshaded / Shaded Polygon with "extra lines" |
VB-156948 | Some fields in are nto showing as localizade when editing the Lighting Device Parameters |
VB-159000 | Section Viewport Can't Be Selected in SP3 By Clicking on Plane Geometry |
VB-159878 | Marionette; NURBS node issues |
VB-160560 | Slabs Disappear |
VB-162543 | Schematic View Fixture Rotation Issue |
VB-162768 | Zoom out causes exit from edit seating mode |
VB-162863 | FS: IFC Export - Mapped Custom Record Fields are not exported |
VB-164304 | Spotlight: Schematic View fails for curved raked truss that is 3D only |
VB-164785 | Event Design > Create Room... has too many error messages |
VB-165991 | Lighting instruments in schematic views not shown in the correct 3D orientation |
VB-166014 | When you duplicate Lighting Device in Schematic View a minor alert should displays |
VB-166157 | Unable to edit default pop-up type fields in Spotlight Preference dialog |
VB-166210 | Video screen in Schematic View object isn't visible if you don't update the rigging object in Schematic view |
VB-166235 | Objects Get Inserted in the Wrong Location with Rotated Plan and Modified User Origin |
VB-166528 | When using Tool "Roadway (Tee)", in the branch part, the class specified as "Paving" class / "Curb" class texture is not reflected. |
VB-166882 | Section Viewport: 2D Cut Component objects with no fill should not take on Section Class fill |
VB-166920 | If the numerical value displayed in the Volumetric Properties" is five-digit number or more |
VB-168300 | T01946: Objects paste in Edit Layout Mode in wrong location |
VB-168337 | Aligned Hardscape Corrupts Hardscape Path : JBC |
VB-168587 | Paste In Place does not work in Object's path edit mode |
VB-168776 | AHA: Negative values (for west and south hemisphere) in the IFC export dialog not accepted |
VB-168800 | DWG Export: 2D polys in 3D plane export wrongly to DXF/DWG |
VB-168922 | The column widths in the data manager are not saved. |
VB-169271 | Rounded stage does not insert correctly based on mode bar options |
VB-169911 | Datatags do not work on grouped PIO with sub-PIOs |
VB-170294 | T02063 - "Create Server-Based Project File" Dialog No Longer Shows Default Address After Installation |
VB-170651 | Roof Faces Fail to Show Surface Hatches in VGM Hidden Line |
VB-170682 | Slab is corrupted an disappears when you try to edit it. |
VB-171112 | ALA: Dimension in flipped symbol show up on the wrong side of the line |
VB-171482 | Revision Cloud doesn't support Rotated Plan |
VB-171514 | Schematic Views and Accessories |
VB-172022 | Hanging Position in Schematic View - Spotlight |
VB-172431 | Wrong IFC-export of Pillar objects |
VB-172469 | The window object is created in different than the predefined class |
VB-172993 | Lighting Accessories not applied to Schematic Views |
VB-173009 | Plant: After you Replace Plant Style the Plant ID is set to "__NNA_TEMP_PLANT_SYMBOL-1" |
VB-173620 | Accessory insertion tool shows layout symbol in the preview |
VB-173772 | Wrong Section Viewport because of the Line Thickness |
VB-173824 | Revit import: If you import two Revit files in one .vwx file the symbols aren't correct |
VB-173847 | If selecting Dash Style from the Dash Style pulldown in the Line Render Options dialog and open the pulldown again, a different Dash Style may have a check mark. MacOS version specific |
VB-173875 | IFC Export: Pillars fly |
VB-173899 | Structural Members Show a Random Bevel/Miter Angle After Disconnecting Join |
VB-173932 | Plant tool preferences imports default plant even when plant is in the document |
VB-173934 | Incorrect help text in landscape area tool preferences |
VB-173965 | Revit import - Wall Clipping issues |
VB-174037 | Trim Tool Fails Inside Symbol Edit Mode at Certain Zoom Levels |
VB-174041 | Hatch Navigation Graphics |
VB-174049 | Export Web View to Temporary Cloud Storage fails |
VB-174120 | ReverseTranslate sanitizer crash |
VB-174224 | BUG Datavisualization Publisher |
VB-174235 | Help - Vectorworks Service Select points to VSS Portal |
VB-174263 | *Spotlight/Braceworks : Moving truss pieces instantly crashes the program -- Infinite Loop |
VB-174281 | Revit export has missing walls |
VB-174303 | Undoing the Landscape area style garden styles takes longer |
VB-174305 | DrawingLabelBoundary class persists if you delete the object |
VB-174327 | Spotlight Renderiing options: None is not localized |
VB-174385 | *UndoController::Resume_DO_NOT_USE crashed on multi threads |
VB-174449 | Cable Sets are not localized in Cable Preferences |
VB-174457 | Exterior walls fail Revit export/import |
VB-174473 | Incorrect symbol thumbnail view after Revit Import |
VB-174563 | Worksheet Edit Formula looses changes on error |
VB-174606 | Paste In-place of objects within Smart Marker Layouts are placed in wrong location |
VB-174613 | Spotlight Numbering Fields not in sync with Parameter Settings |
VB-174639 | You've removed the ability to paste viewports from drawing to drawing |
VB-174661 | Spotligtht Lighting Device Tool Automatic numbering not working |
VB-174662 | Data tag insertion offset does not work correctly |
VB-174684 | Key "cable_Set_All" duplicated in Cable_Obj.vwstrings |
VB-174688 | Key "None" duplicated in DlgSetSpotlightRenderingOptions.vwstrings |
VB-174706 | In 'edit accessory', lighting device does not adjust Z height if (clamp) accessoire is inserted with rotation (custom insertion mode) |
VB-174715 | Cable Style Class Fails to Get Locked on Newly-Created Objects |
VB-174718 | Marionette; external library geopy not working |
VB-174766 | Converting to Lighting Device resets 3D Rotation in Symbols |
VB-174783 | Spotlight lighting device accessory edit weight bug |
VB-174787 | Marionette: This network does not run when converted to object |
VB-174793 | Undo Mirrored Landscape area styles takes more than 5 minutes to finish the operation |
VB-174807 | Space: Subtraction Value is wrong |
VB-174813 | Section Viewport: Merge Structural Object with Same Fill option results in missing lines |
VB-174824 | Edit symbol from a worksheet causes VW to hang |
VB-174825 | *TSlabDrainageToolData::UpdateCursor crashed |
VB-174837 | Vectorworks crashing when importing data from ODBC. |
VB-174840 | RW/Enscape: Material delete doesn't get processed correctly |
VB-174862 | Spotlight, Deadhang bridles insertion problem |
VB-174874 | Some ConnectCAD tools creates English classes |
VB-174890 | Animation Path Exports as a Rotated Floor to IFC |
VB-174900 | *Undo in Edit Viewport Crop Mode Crashes/Hangs Vectorworks--SyncVPCropEditing |
VB-174901 | "Internal error - bad parameter encountered during disk I/O operation..." appears when you save project sharing file in the Vectorworks Cloud Services beta folder |
VB-174905 | *Vectorworks 2021 crashes when trying to align two hardscapes with a third which contains a curve--Hardscape::UnitePolyWithAdjacent |
VB-174920 | ConnectCAD: Circuit numbers overlap on multiply connected sockets |
VB-174928 | Displays 2D components of a symbol even it's hiding behind other objects. |
VB-174943 | Python VS.GetVSVar results incorrect for String. |
VB-174954 | TNurbsCurve::Degree crashed |
VB-174963 | On specific Mac computer, user can not browse though RM by search bar |
VB-174970 | DXF Export. A single block is created for representing two viewports with different Data Visualization. |
VB-174975 | Viewport Graphics Become Corrupted After Undoing Out of Crop Edit Mode |
VB-174987 | Publish: Custom Naming Scheme issues with spaces |
VB-174990 | Even if the Impedance (ohms) of the speaker is set in the Array Detail and Configuration dialog, it is not reflected in the Speaker. * This is a new setting added in VW2021. |
VB-174993 | *When executed "Edit Slab Addition Settings" in the context menu, VW will crash. |
VB-175003 | Grade Object Settings dialog - Help text needs revision |
VB-175004 | Structural Member's Ends Take on the Wrong Angle After Connection |
VB-175010 | Chamfer Tool Fails on Polylines |
VB-175024 | House Rigging Point:Class dialog: The Assign Default Classes with Prefix should be renamed to Use Standard Classes |
VB-175031 | Vectorworks crashed in debug when choosing "Auto-Boundary" from PullDown in Space object OIP |
VB-175035 | Data Visualization Schemes Fail to Export to VW 2020 |
VB-175042 | Section Elevation Line angled Text |
VB-175047 | Revit import: The Windows are placed under the round wall |
VB-175049 | Vectorworks - Lighting Device - Multiple selection > Custom Gobos |
VB-175053 | *CreateWallAccess crashed |
VB-175072 | export script creates material out of order re resources it needs |
VB-175081 | Section Line: Resizing of the section line which is in 3D isn't correct if the file is translated to Vectorwroks 2021 |
VB-175082 | When executed the Import Single DXF/DWG" |
VB-175085 | Markers: If you mirror a marker which is placed in the design layer with elevation the Plane value of the mirrored marker is changed |
VB-175095 | Data Visualization is incorrect after Purge |
VB-175096 | Railing not Visible on Deck after Exporting to IFC |
VB-175110 | Sheet number Text Doesn't get Rotated with rest of Section Elevation Line in Sheet Layer Viewport |
VB-175122 | Spotlight Braceworks: OIP gives misleading information for Hanging Positions |
VB-175126 | Undo bug when editing a group in multiple panes |
VB-175127 | KLS: Hardscape, Option Interpolate Surface slows down drawing daramtically |
VB-175128 | Vw crashes updating Section viewports containing Hardscapes |
VB-175129 | Worksheet recalculation after each action |
VB-175146 | Align Center yields unexpected results |
VB-175149 | Can't create Sheet Layer Viewport that includes Design Layer Viewport |
VB-175150 | DLSVP is at the wrong location with Best Performance |
VB-175153 | ConnectCAD: Rack values (power, weight) do not update when equipment is removed |
VB-175158 | Railing/fence: vertical and horizontal frame bars don't show correctly when selected to be flat |
VB-175165 | No visual feedback when deleting one of multiple Lighting Device Accessories in 3D |
VB-175178 | Schedule Formatting dialog box: Change Ok button to OK |
VB-175187 | Spotlight Numbering not working properly for absolute adress |
VB-175190 | VGM "Best Performance" is not showing the correct view |
VB-175192 | Lighting Pipe and Ladder need to check ShowFootprint in default values when opening older file |
VB-175194 | Project Sharing: The marker doesn't navigate to the correct viewport when you change name of the viewport when you refresh the working file |
VB-175197 | Create uneditable 3D objects in VW |
VB-175201 | The navigation palette tabs tear away too easily |
VB-175206 | KLS: Revit import cannot be used in Vectorworks |
VB-175208 | Querying the lambda in a compound material returns an unexpected value |
VB-175214 | Edit Cell and Edit Accessory choices should be removed from the LW data exchange field list |
VB-175223 | Video Camera issues in English and localized versions |
VB-175235 | Arri L7 wrong direction |
VB-175238 | Migrationmanager does not migrate plantdatabase images |
VB-175243 | Space's Glazed Area Calculation Fails to Recognize More Than One Symbol Instance |
VB-175250 | Accessories don't show in schematic views of Lighting Devices |
VB-175254 | *Crash log shows up upon quitting |
VB-175257 | Delete mode of Lighting Accessory Tool doesn't take into account additional plan rotation or rotation of Lighting Device in schematic view |
VB-175259 | The Delete mode of the Insert Accessory Tool ghosts a selector in schematic views when the Lighting Device has no accessories |
VB-175269 | ConnectCAD: Sockets on OUT type Connector Panels set the source connector type instead of destination |
VB-175274 | Space interface function CSpaceObjectSupportImpl::GetSpaceNamesOrOccOrganizations() return always SpaceDataSelector::SpaceNames |
VB-175277 | Landscape Area Border Style Cloud Line issue |
VB-175285 | ConnectCAD: Editing device info in worksheet does not update equipment |
VB-175286 | ConnectCAD: Editing equipment in worksheet does not re-calculate rack data |
VB-175297 | User origin moves with export to VW2020 |
VB-175305 | *Crash When Attempting Create Objects from Shapes into Landscape Area |
VB-175309 | Orange Highlight not present on all selected Lighting Devices when in OIP 'Edit' |
VB-175314 | Drawing Label numbers change when a 2020 file is opened in 2021 |
VB-175316 | QRT - Horizontal Section viewport not displaying DLVP if cut plane is outside viewport extents |
VB-175324 | Section Elevation Line Text Scale |
VB-175326 | Issue with Undo after using Lighting Accessory Delete |
VB-175330 | Lighting Accessory geometry not showing unless zoom in or out after using delete and undo |
VB-175336 | ConnectCAD: Not fully shown words in drop-down in the Device builder dialog (Win only) |
VB-175339 | Add data tag to section VP caused VW to hang |
VB-175341 | moving data tag in section viewport caused hang |
VB-175343 | Export of Web View to temporary storage results in a Script error message [retire this option?] |
VB-175349 | Data tag: The Start Value field has "#" value in the Sequence Settings dialog |
VB-175350 | KLS: Hoist symbol name localized to german causes failure since 2021 |
VB-175352 | Data tag: If you change the tag field definition of a styled data tag the created objects are reset |
VB-175355 | Structural Member Pen Color Can't be Changed in 2021 When "Line Style" 2D Graphics are Used |
VB-175356 | Scaling Influence Lines dialog has incorrect tooltip for (-) Vz |
VB-175369 | Viewport Class Overrides Show Multiple Hatch Fills at Two Different Scales in SP2 |
VB-175372 | The referenced Record Format cannot be edited in the active file. |
VB-175375 | (only Windows) Deletion of Script may not be smooth. The deletion of Script may not be reflected until the palette is redisplayed. |
VB-175377 | ConnectCAD: Pan on entering device edit mode |
VB-175378 | When exiting the Lighting Device Accessory Edit screen, the Custom Insertion Mode on the Lighting Accessory tool toolbar does not return to Remove Mode. |
VB-175380 | Distance Falloff settings in the Set Spotlight Rendering Options dialog are not saved. |
VB-175381 | Background settings revert to "None" in the Set Spotlight Rendering Options dialog. |
VB-175383 | "Multiple view panes" mode does not properly support Edit group behavior |
VB-175385 | Space settings left pane needs help text |
VB-175402 | When the focus point is set, the Pan or Tilt value cannot be changed. |
VB-175403 | Question:The list browser in the "Focus Lighting Devices" dialog is not sorted by Channel number. |
VB-175408 | IFC4 Import fails |
VB-175409 | Organisation Dialogue: Use Class Attributes |
VB-175415 | Plugin Label Text Takes-On the Wrong Size When Exported from VW 2021 |
VB-175419 | Instrument Summary > Build List > problems with freezing VW |
VB-175424 | ConnectCAD: Equipment Items cannot be rotated |
VB-175426 | The angle precision changes when a Stake object creation. |
VB-175427 | An image that being imported as "Image Resource" won't be referenced even checked "Reference" when importing. |
VB-175428 | ConnectCAD: Update Rack Elevation creates duplicate equipment item |
VB-175431 | Spotlight - Distributor - Wrong Cable Message |
VB-175434 | Spotlight - Creat Hoist Report Bug |
VB-175443 | Design Layer Viewport Crop Fails After DWG Import (Best Performance) |
VB-175449 | Space Modifiers Shift When Source Objects Are at a Different Elevation |
VB-175457 | KLS: Complex line editor, red line missing |
VB-175461 | A problem with Split Tool (Point Split Fails When Underlying Objects Exist) |
VB-175463 | DLSVP with scale != 1 somehow made it into a file |
VB-175465 | Crash on DMX Patch System change |
VB-175466 | Bug in VectorScript on the vs.GetVSVar function |
VB-175475 | Browsing a document inside the Resource Manager, appears to set you up for a crash, importing tags inside the Organization dialog |
VB-175482 | Braceworks - Bridle Calculation - workload of drops at 0% |
VB-175483 | Crash upon changing layer |
VB-175487 | Conversion issue with Reference Markers |
VB-175490 | 3D Plane Objects Get Pasted on the Wrong Plane in SP3 |
VB-175494 | Bitmap in VP Annotations doesn't display when flipped |
VB-175496 | File crashes when switching from Top/Plan to Front view -Multi threads -- RenderPipeline::CMeshDataProvider::CreateMeshData |
VB-175500 | Vectorworks Crashes Updating a Viewport |
VB-175509 | Hoist Tool, Measurement label option missing help text |
VB-175524 | Rotation and Position Issues on Truss with MVR Import |
VB-175525 | CDR: Deleting Grid Line hangs up Vectorworks |
VB-175529 | Section elevation style, unable to edit from OIP after converting to instance |
VB-175531 | Bad Revit export |
VB-175536 | Crash message when closing VWX |
VB-175564 | Lighting Device Accessory does not appear in Schematic View |
VB-175566 | Crash if export to 2020 |
VB-175583 | Tile fills in Slab components not mapped correctly in Section Viewports |
VB-175591 | Markers in Section-Elevation Lines and Detail Callouts shift when displayed in viewports with a Text Scale other than 1 |
VB-175592 | Space style loses the value of AreaPerOccupant when converted |
VB-175600 | Help: Choose 'What's this' and click on File>Import>Import>import IGES (3D only) you go to welcome page |
VB-175602 | The function ApplyMarkerStyle does not set second ptofile grup. |
VB-175604 | Exit Seating button causes VW to crash |
VB-175606 | Seating Section Tool - oval and rectangle modes don't work in rotated plan |
VB-175607 | Seating Section Tool - Oval mode broken when oval is drawn right-to-left |
VB-175609 | North Arrow in Viewport Annotations does not allow rotation in georeferenced file |
VB-175610 | Project Sharing _VCS: After you click OK in the Entity Name Conflict dialog the "Failure on attempt to open file" error displays |
VB-175620 | Project Sharing, Canceling Viewport Classes will prompts the user to check Out Viewport Object |
VB-175628 | ConnectCAD: Compare List and Drawing does not detect missing devices and sockets |
VB-175632 | Vectorworks crashes when I try to dock a palette |
VB-175641 | Braceworks Influence lines error |
VB-175644 | KLS: Title Block uses rounded values instead of the defined values |
VB-175651 | No Horizontal Fold Marks with SIA-Style and Minus Margins |
VB-175652 | Undo bug when editing a parametric objects profile group with multiple panes causing VW to crash |
VB-175653 | IFC export pillar misplaced |
VB-175656 | Spotlight truss insertion class display problem |
VB-175663 | ConnectCAD: There is difference between first and folowing inserted devices when using Update Rack Elevation |
VB-175665 | Swapped values in DoorStyle after IFC Import |
VB-175672 | Drawing Label: 2020 -> 2021: Rounded Rectangles look like rectangles and text has white solid fill |
VB-175674 | Section line 2020 -> 2021: If a section line has a Marker size value different than the default value its preview isn't correct when you move the marker in Vectorworsk 2021 |
VB-175675 | ConnectCAD: Socket / External TYPE icons |
VB-175680 | Big sur acceptance test - display in Hatch edit dialog |
VB-175681 | ConnectCAD: Renumber Devices does not disconnect device from Equip Item |
VB-175683 | Section Line markers not scaled correctly on forward translation |
VB-175684 | ConnectCAD: Number Display needs a refresh after inserting new cables in the source socket |
VB-175690 | Viewport: lines out of box after rotation |
VB-175693 | Marionette: GetType Node returns 0 for no items |
VB-175702 | Multi-line text not wrapping correctly in worksheet images |
VB-175710 | Data Tags: reported Area ignores holes in Slabs |
VB-175713 | ConnectCAD: Externals not forward translating from 2019 |
VB-175723 | Crash in multi view while editing PIO plan group |
VB-175735 | Problem with accents in the search in the Resource Browser |
VB-175740 | BIMObject - BigSur - M1 - Chromium window has cut off navigation icons |
VB-175752 | Structural Member 2D Attributes are poorly defined when "Set Attributes By" is set to "Material" |
VB-175779 | Material: Description isn't translated |
VB-175785 | Z_64 CW Window Label Problems |
VB-175796 | Navigation Graphics - Best Performance: Polygon won't display during Pan and Zoom when using both a Line Style and Marker |
VB-175802 | "Space Area Modifier Object" cannot be changed. |
VB-175803 | *switching between drawings causes crash -PruneObjectScaledBodyCachesInDocument |
VB-175808 | The Plane of the pasted 2D object is Symbol Definition if you past the object in the Edit Symbol mode |
VB-175847 | Structural Member: IFC defaults always steel shape, unregarded type choice |
VB-175873 | ConnectCAD: Rack depth is not respecting document units |
VB-175884 | Missing lines in VGM "Best Performance" |
VB-175890 | Fitting a space object to the underside of roof loses the space's 3D colour |
VB-175893 | OpenGL Viewport fails with attached file |
VB-175897 | Slab disappears after being moved |
VB-175899 | Video Screen position is wrong when the user moves the screen and both riggings at once |
VB-175906 | Marionette: copy/paste network onto design layer with different scale disconnects nodes |
VB-175922 | ConnectCAD: Rack Frame report incorrect |
VB-175930 | *VW crash when editing drain settings |
VB-175942 | Project Revision History Worksheets Incorrectly Format Cells with Date Format : JBC |
VB-175948 | Lighting Device Not Visible in 3D Views (recent regression) |
VB-175957 | *Major Crash in 2021 when importing standard detail symbols |
VB-175980 | Spotlight numbering Fixture ID |
VB-175981 | Tag Field crashes Vectorworks |
VB-175996 | DataTag does not considers neasted PIOs when calculation the position of the leader line. |
VB-176041 | Opening any 2021 file version from the VCS folder shows a warning that the file is in a shared folder |
VB-176049 | *Vectorworks crashes if running Undo after placing Slab Drainage objects --TSlabDrainageToolData::UpdateCursor |
VB-176054 | When executed the Import Revit" to the particular revit file |
VB-176073 | Landmark Plant ID reverting to : __NNA_TEMP_PLANT_SYMBOL |
VB-176097 | Project Sharing: change fill style between solid and class style doesn't work |
VB-176099 | Trim tool inconsistent |
VB-176101 | Text Pen Opacity Shows Incorrectly During Navigation (Best Performance) |
VB-176111 | Select "Add new database table column" in "Object Database Connection", and crash when "OK" is pressed. |
VB-176113 | Translating folders of Structural Member default content make symbols unavailable |
VB-176131 | Files saved in perspective view open in top view |
VB-176142 | Hardscape with Slab Drainage is not exported to IFC |
VB-176145 | If the opening angle in the 3D display pane of the advanced door settings is 91 degrees or more, it will be displayed as an exponent. |
VB-176149 | Batch Convert: files freeze VW |
VB-176153 | ConnectCAD: Device Builder logging not working |
VB-176155 | Marionette: Networks that ran previously using external libraries are no longer working |
VB-176161 | *Crashing Switching to a Sheet from 3D view |
VB-176174 | ConnectCAD: Symbol Insertion tool not seeing Objects-ConnectCAD folder |
VB-176187 | Plant z-value changes with components |
VB-176191 | Area sum of multiple space objects not shown anymore in OI-palette |
VB-176195 | Lighting Device Accessories are not translated properly |
VB-176200 | detachable tab palettes |
VB-176210 | Title Block Glitch |
VB-176211 | Missing fields on accessory added to a lighting device |
VB-176215 | Project sharing: Visibility of the design layer is changed in Viewport Layer Properties dialog for design layer viewport after save and commit |
VB-176227 | Drainage slab in 2021 SP1 is deleted when opened in SP3 |
VB-176247 | Purge can delete texture used by building material of kept coincident object |
VB-176248 | Align Distribute Parking Stalls |
VB-176252 | *Data Tags / IFC interaction: instant crash upon edit field |
VB-176260 | Mat Classification Standard not Loading if in Workgroup and Project Folder |
VB-176272 | Title Block Manager worksheet updating is slow |
VB-176275 | Field of Record Format miss in IFC |
VB-176280 | File with Design Layer section viewports crashes when exporting to DWG |
VB-176284 | Trim Tool Often Fails Starting in 2021 SP2 |
VB-176288 | ConnectCAD: Custom device label symbol shrinks |
VB-176289 | Spotlight: Current metric template originated in version 12.5. Please create from new from scratch in 2016. |
VB-176291 | You can't assign a class to individual Landscape area styles |
VB-176299 | Marionette: node names show numbers in resource manager |
VB-176318 | Viewport Goes Missing with this workflow |
VB-176319 | The material add event should be prior to Event_ObjectModifyMaterial |
VB-176323 | ifc: Pset_WallCommon (and other common psets) are excluded by the datamanager, but still exported |
VB-176331 | DWG hatch Import: Hatch doesn't appear the same in Vectorworks as it does in ACAD |
VB-176350 | IFC Export - Missing Objects Based on Vectorworks Module |
VB-176353 | DWF Export: Page size wrong on export from a design layer. |
VB-176354 | Space: OI doesn't display area sum of multiple selected Spaces |
VB-176368 | Female Truss Connection not Working |
VB-176404 | Data tag cannot be applied to objects in Section Viewport |
VB-176406 | Class of Space style |
VB-176453 | *Crash while Convert to Vectorworks 2021 |
VB-176508 | Title Block Manager freezes Vectorworks |
VB-176529 | *Crash on create landscape area from polygon |
VB-176530 | Landscape area highlight offset |
VB-176545 | *VW Crashes When Canceling "Create Objects from Shapes" Dialog |
VB-176546 | *CResourceManagerBreadcrumbControlImpl::PaintControl crashed - Win only |
VB-176548 | Can't edit or create Data Visualization with custom Lighting Device fields |
VB-176549 | Crash startup with ETCAugment3d PlugIn active |
VB-176558 | *OZCad/NewZealand version, crash on launch if Navigation and Object Info Palettes are closed |
VB-176575 | DWG Importfor an issue with referencing of DWG files with Georeferenced data in it |
VB-176583 | Cloud Services: Shared-file warning needs wording improvement to address resource sharing |
VB-176594 | Wireframe graphics do not get removed after enter solid |
VB-176597 | vs.IsMtrlFillStyleByCls: definition has extra braket causing error |
VB-176610 | BIMobject - activating BIMobject creates images that can be purged |
VB-176629 | Unrestricted Resize of Planar Line Objects Fails in 2021 |
VB-176648 | VCS - Vectorworks crashes when attempting to release without having the VCS app open and running |
VB-176649 | Tiger Lake CPU Check |
VB-176654 | ConnectCAD: Make it easier to spot newly created makes/models in the logging |
VB-176673 | DWF Export: Custom page size is not accepted |
VB-176679 | Gobo and Mark need to be added to discrete Lighting Device data |
VB-176689 | Only one of the "Black and White Only" option and "Data Visualization" setting of Section Viewport should be effective, but depending on the operation procedure, both setting will be effective. |
VB-176690 | Landscape Area: Can't find a Site Model if the "Site Model Layer" layer is not visible. |
VB-176711 | vs.GetObjMaterialName twice in |
VB-176715 | Section-Elevation Line: "Flip with section view direction" constraint flips text incorrectly |
VB-176722 | *VW Freezes/Crashes When Exporting File to Previous Versions - CLightingDeviceData::GetParamString |
VB-176725 | Spotlight numbering crashes when run on this file |
VB-176733 | Undo does not work for Lighting Device paramters change |
VB-176745 | Pasting symbol parts across components causes paradox OIP |
VB-176774 | Plant objects not rendered properly when exported to TM |
VB-176775 | Roof Faces Missing when Ski Lodge File is Exported to Twinmotion |
VB-176779 | Gradient does not publish |
VB-176780 | Option to disable Civil3D Error message |
VB-176802 | [WISH] DWG Import alert dialog to have "Do Not Show Again" check box |
VB-176866 | Edit lighting Device |
VB-176873 | Spotlight - Lighting Device - Database |
VB-176897 | "Point Split Mode" of the Split tool does not work under certain conditions. |
VB-176899 | Z_65_Connecting V Truss Crash |
VB-176915 | 2D Objects always pasting to Layer Plane |
VB-176929 | SDK Viewport rename |
VB-176942 | File crashes on open |
VB-176955 | IFC Quantity Takeoff isn't exported for Structural Member's Covers |
VB-176957 | Changing fill style to 'none' immediately after drawing a polygon or arc does not work on Windows |
VB-176960 | Data Manager: Slab Material Mapping (odd behaviour/function: GETMATERIALINFO) |
VB-176967 | 2D Components with additional 3D elements in PIOs |
VB-176970 | Load Scheamtic Views do not account the orientation of the model parent when positioned. |
VB-176971 | Creating Shematic View witness line is not working. |
VB-176974 | Switching space style class from edit style dialog, will fail to show in OIP class field |
VB-176976 | Association lost between Section-Elevation Line and its viewport after renaming viewport via script |
VB-176979 | When rotating a Rectangular Tubing, it does not rotate center of the object. |
VB-176990 | *Slab Drainage: Create Saddle Crash |
VB-176994 | Exporting attached file without changing name causes application to hang |
VB-177024 | *KLS: Slab drainage crashes when creating saddle |
VB-177062 | When trimming an object, even unintended parts may be deleted. |
VB-177073 | IFC Default Quantity Takeoffs - Roof Face doesn`t have Base Quantities exported |
VB-177074 | IFC Default Quantity Takeoffs - Base Quantity NetArea is wrong on slab components |
VB-177133 | Project Sharing, user is prompted to check out object when cancelling editing plants. |
VB-177159 | IFC Default Quantity Takeoffs - Imperial unit wrong values for Volume |
VB-177178 | Braceworks Calculation Display error |
VB-177188 | Structural Members Pen Color Can't be Changed When Material is Applied |
VB-177193 | Section Line's End Marker Geometry Shifts in 2021 SP3 |
VB-177209 | Lighting Symbol Maintenance - Update Lighting Device Object no longer works |
Nr | Opis |
0000 | Nowe etykiety danych w plikach Powierzchnia.vwx i Nazwa symbolu.vwx. |
5829 | Drzwi wewnętrzne - Wstawienie drzwi jako otworu w ścianie generuje komunikat o błędzie. |
5812 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne - Tryb Wstaw w odległości nie działa prawidłowo. |
5869 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne - Linie ściany są niewidoczne. |
5813 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne - Utworzenie okna panoramicznego (w trybie wstawienia Wypełnienia ściany) o określonych parametrach generuje na ekranie ogromny prostokąt (parapet). |
5824 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne - Stopień szczegółowości nie wyświetla się prawidłowo. |
5803 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne - Wartości maksymalnego i rzeczywistego kąta otwarcia będą zaokrąglane z dokładnością zdefiniowaną w dokumencie. |
5857 | Okno lub drzwi wewnętrzne - Wybór szklenia jako wypełnienia skrzydła powoduje crash. |
5796 | Narzędzia z kategorii Schemat elektryczny są niedostępne w wersji branżowej Vectorworks Landmark 2021. |
5528 | Ujednolicenie nazw palet w menu Okno. |
5890 | Narzędzie Automatyczne linie wymiarowe jest niedostępne w wersji branżowej Vectorworks Landmark 2021 i nie działa po ręcznym dodaniu go do środowiska roboczego. |
5897 | Maska wyświetlana pod oknem lub drzwiami zewn./wewn., które korzystają z jednego z zestawów atrybutów BIM wyświetla się z konturem, który powienien być niewidoczny. |
5558 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne/wewnętrzne / Zestawienie okien/drzwi - Etykieta okna/drzwi nie dopasowuje się do jednostek dokumentu. |
Nr | Opis |
5706 | Cel urządzenia - W palecie Info brakuje zasobów standardowych pochodzących z pliku Focus Point.vwx. |
5775 | Sektor widowni - Niepoprawne zliczanie stołów i krzeseł. |
5664 | Schemat elektryczny - element - Poprawiona treść komunikatu wyświetlanego w momencie zaznaczenia nieprawidłowego obiektu lub obiektów znajdujących się w różnych warstwach. |
5662 | Schemat elektryczny - element - W przypadku zastępowania kilku symboli tylko pierwszy z zaznaczonych symboli zostaje prawidłowo zamieniony. |
5660 | Schemat elektryczny - element - W przypadku umieszczenia strefy nad elementem obliczenia nie odbywają sie automatycznie. |
5663 | Schemat elektryczny - połączenie - Aktualizacja atrybutów odbywa sie dopiero w momencie zmiany geometrii obiektu. |
5696 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne - Zastosowanie zestawu atrybutów graficznych z pliku “Wewn_Konfiguracja SfB_St_Istn” powoduje wyświetlanie otwowu drzwiowego na rzucie 2D/głównym z białym wypełnieniem. |
5694 | Okno lub drzwi wewnętrzne - Zastosowanie zestawu atrybutów graficznych zapisanych w “Int_BIM” powoduje wyświetlanie szyby z szarym wypełnieniem. |
5702 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne - “Aktywna klasa” tworzona jest jako klasa. |
5792 | Narzędzia Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne/wewnętrzne nie są dostępne z licencją Vectorworks 2021 Spotlight NL. |
5639 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne - Przy zastosowaniu niskiego stopnia szczegółowości komponenty ściany na rzucie okna nad wcięciem parapetu są nadal widoczne. |
5721 | Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne - Widok komponentów ściany na rzucie okien nie zawsze jest prawidłowy przy zastosowaniu niskiego stopnia szczegółowości. |
5643 | Zestawienie okien/drzwi - Czerwone symbole okien są uwzględniane w zestawieniu okien/drzwi, choć nie powinny. |
5756 | Zestawienie okien/drzwi - Definicje okien projektowych są uwzględniane w zestawieniu okien/drzwi, choć nie powinny. |
5797 | Polecenie “Pomoc > Pomoc zdalna” jest niedostępne w wersji Vectorworks 2021. |
VB-92715 | 3D scaled symbols don't reflect scaling in IFC export |
VB-94982 | DXF/DWG Export: User origin not taken into account on export of Tile and Image fills. |
VB-97328 | Copying database cells from one worksheet to another resets all row heights to default. |
VB-98851 | Polygon from Inner Boundary Mode not working with certain groups visible. |
VB-103931 | DXF/DWG/DWF Export - Tile Fills Export as Empty or Solid Fills |
VB-115855 | KLS: Export DXF/DWG - Tiles in wall component not exported when origin moved |
VB-116833 | Group pull down menu item does show separator correctly |
VB-117934 | Roadway (Custom Curb) Objects - Clip Surface Command Gives Incorrect Results in 3D Views |
VB-120979 | DXF/DWG Export of Tile Fills - User Origin is not taken into account |
VB-134213 | Wrong Export of Tiles to DXF/DWG |
VB-137601 | BIMobject:Preview of the stake object still displays although the BIMobject is active |
VB-139524 | CW Space: Incorrect Gross auto-boundary, Custom gross boundary depends on the previously active gross definition. |
VB-141458 | Section shows hatch wrong |
VB-148422 | Guardrail and Handrail of Stair doesn't support mesh smoothing of document |
VB-152525 | Creating a new mesh should have "doc pref" set as default mesh smoothing |
VB-152547 | You're able to turn off radio buttons in LED Screen object (Mac only) |
VB-152720 | Revit Import: A part of a window is shifted from the object after import |
VB-153855 | Focus point of seating section not editable after creation |
VB-153930 | The command "Purge" is vey slow in one file in compare of other files |
VB-155195 | Clicking next to an OIP radio button widget will deselect all options |
VB-156985 | Creating a Hanging Position from a mixture of symbols and PIOs works improperly with a user origin |
VB-158436 | Stipples accept line markers but dont allow them to be turned off |
VB-158465 | Floor doesn't Export to IFC in VW 2019 |
VB-159663 | Polylines with gradient render white in exported PDF |
VB-159748 | static text control as link differs on mac and win |
VB-159890 | Format text dialog is not displayed even if shortcut key is input. |
VB-159922 | Structural Member Error Ifc-Export Material |
VB-160794 | Export dwg: If User origin is offset from Internal origin Tile fill export fails |
VB-160818 | IFC Export: does not export Building CW |
VB-161183 | KLS: SubString in Worksheet working bad |
VB-162244 | Eye Bolts from previous version become corrupt |
VB-162501 | Moving the focus line causes the seating section to autofill the numbers of the seats |
VB-162565 | When drawing a lighting pipe, the cursor changes to an "arc" shape |
VB-162671 | Space Calculates the Wrong Window Area When Walls Contain Symbols |
VB-162675 | Glazed Area Calculation Fails When All Windows/Doors are Contained in Symbols |
VB-162876 | Aisle tool causes around the focus line to appear layout lines |
VB-163262 | IFC-Export Column with Style name mapped to Material Component 1 |
VB-163452 | Hardscape | Components, Export options |
VB-164578 | If you use a panoramic image when creating a new Renderworks Background, an image of Renderworks Background turns yellow. |
VB-164953 | Space Window Surface: Space not updating with Door/Window Removal from Wall |
VB-165461 | Scale of hatch different in Annotations layer |
VB-165902 | Angular Dim Display Issue within Horizontal Section Viewport |
VB-166036 | Space PaintBucket Mode picks up wrong wall network if a wall is deleted |
VB-166330 | Export PDF Takes Magnitudes Longer |
VB-166466 | Seating section gets lost when surrounded by aisles |
VB-166674 | Plugin Insertion Preview Shows Incorrectly in Rotated Plan View |
VB-166821 | Wrong Hatch Angle in Section Viewport through Roof |
VB-166891 | Horizontal Section: Cut Wall and Wall Component lines not showing |
VB-166902 | Bruce DSTOP GetObject is being asked to handle an out of range SysName (12 - legal 0 9 |
VB-166953 | DMX Patch Window Sorting Issue |
VB-167000 | BUG Linestyle change linedirection |
VB-167025 | Worksheet Function: =SUBSTRING(CLASS, '-',4) simplifies to =CLASS( '-',4) |
VB-167065 | "Attach IFC" button in OIP not working in all cases |
VB-167068 | IFC Export options (export instances) is not working for more complex Hardscapes |
VB-167251 | Issue when use a tool Convert Suspend Position |
VB-167283 | Scaled symbols are not exported correctly in IFC |
VB-167311 | Hanging Position Tool shows empty position symbol drop down first time it's clicked |
VB-167370 | Braceworks - Dead Hang |
VB-167426 | Triangle Truss Corners Do Not Show Auto Connect in Correct Spot |
VB-167612 | Section graphics are shifted |
VB-167630 | Changing Spotlight preferences will be resetted |
VB-167702 | Project Sharing: Schematic view doesn't appear if you create it in new layer |
VB-167835 | Stipple not working with option fade on arcs |
VB-168020 | Missing Base Quantities for realigned Hardscape in Export IFC |
VB-168079 | Question : In a "Seating Section", if a style is used to create a seating section object, it cannot be set to any angle. |
VB-168085 | Convert to Hanging Position moves original geometry. |
VB-168114 | GetSpaceNumForObj not working when Design Layer referenced |
VB-168167 | DWG Export: not possible with worksheets |
VB-168192 | Viewport: Floor Hatch missing |
VB-168259 | IFC-Export - Hardscape + Export Options / Seperate Instances + IFC 4 |
VB-168274 | Lighting Device Insertion Widget Fails When File Has a Modified User Origin with Rotated Plan Active |
VB-168357 | Document Dimensions: change to .001 causes a freeze |
VB-168514 | Lighting Pipe Ladder Rectangular Mode Gives Unpredictable Results Depending on Click Sequence |
VB-168522 | Aligned Slab Hardscape does not export components in IFC |
VB-168620 | 2D and 3D Label Legend group control point not in correct place |
VB-168740 | Wrong Viewport Rendering of Stairs |
VB-168834 | Viewports Fail to Show Line Objects from Symbol's 2D Component |
VB-168864 | Lighting Devices do not move with Schematic View when moved by Truss |
VB-168885 | DOM: Printing this Polyline results in unwanted Objects |
VB-168887 | Alignment of texture on hardscape fails when using resape tool |
VB-168997 | Hardscape: Realign causes a freeze |
VB-169042 | Org dialog reference PDF: Import PDF dialog inconsistent graying |
VB-169085 | Some, but not all, Lighting Pipes lose their Z height when changing the position name |
VB-169149 | Horizontal Section: Arc (in Stair 2D Component) showing fill and missing parts of its markers |
VB-169333 | Problem converting a file created in Vectorworks Spotlight 2019 |
VB-169385 | Vectorworks doesn't report days in the progress of rendering a Walkthrough animation |
VB-169442 | *Overriding dimensions between seating layouts Crashes VW |
VB-169702 | Lighting Device pop-up user fields do not update OIP choices after adding more |
VB-169749 | Some presets of stairs give undesired errors while editing them |
VB-169911 | Datatags do not work on grouped PIO with sub-PIOs |
VB-170629 | Lighting device instrument type not changing in edit dialog |
VB-170639 | Control point and separator of grouped Label Legend with wrong location |
VB-170640 | Container of Label Legend shifts when changing Lighting Device location |
VB-170707 | Accessories cannot be edited from the Lightihg Device dialog. |
VB-170741 | Section Viewport: buildings not rotating |
VB-170832 | Grid Axis Bubble Shows No Fill in Section Viewports Created from Sheet layer Viewport |
VB-170992 | Focus Lightihg Devcices dialog has problems with sort in the # column. |
VB-171140 | Spotlight Editing Accessory - Unable to exit the edit group although it appeared that I was back onto the drawing. |
VB-171214 | Interior Elevation_preview sometimes would only show correct style after a mouse click |
VB-171247 | Navigation palette:Multiple selection isn't correct after editing multiple items and Hierarchical Display is active (Win only) |
VB-171262 | Wrong Label Legend control point location on focused Lighting Device |
VB-171290 | Influence Line objects don't disappear after undo |
VB-171394 | Copy and paste truss system into new document does not paste all objects |
VB-171459 | Changing vertex of cable object defaults to bezier curve. It should default to corner vertex mode. |
VB-171471 | Typo in the help text of the Cable Style popup |
VB-171535 | DMX Patch dialog does not work in the file |
VB-171588 | Dual dimensions not working |
VB-171679 | When applying a material to a structural member, the user must physically select the material, the default value will not set |
VB-171799 | Seats and highlight of seating section created in layer with layer elevation different than 0 are incorect |
VB-171918 | Railing does not always highlight/get selected when joining |
VB-171995 | Seating Section - Numbers are all set to 1 when the object is nudged |
VB-172003 | Spotlight Accessories can't be replaced |
VB-172122 | [QuickSearch] [Mac] Tab key won't cycle through filters |
VB-172323 | Export sheet to PDF takes long time |
VB-172334 | Wrong location of 3D Label Legend on Lighting Device |
VB-172399 | Name of a menu command should not appear as part of the context information on Windows |
VB-172405 | [QuickSearch] [Windows] Not able to drag the Search when there is no string in search field |
VB-172409 | [QuickSearch] [Windows] First entry in the list browser should always remain highlighted |
VB-172468 | Spotlight Doc Pref: Automatically Rotate 2D to Focus Point - doesn't work with the new focussing command |
VB-172478 | New Hoist Pickup Symbols Do Not Rotate To Match Inserted Truss |
VB-172525 | Truss Pickup 3D is moving when the 2D is Moved by Blue Handle |
VB-172527 | Truss Naming issues |
VB-172571 | Braceworks Hoist slings: Labels are not right reading when following truss rotation to be correct in 3D |
VB-172578 | Breakout connector lengths are ignored when connecting them to lights. |
VB-172637 | Alpha channel is not working with 3DS import |
VB-172639 | Hoist Sling Pick up symbols: Move the 2D symbol and the 3D moves away from the hoist as well! |
VB-172743 | Cable Styles Don't Respect Plug-In Style Options Classing |
VB-172753 | Multiple emitters don't work if they are placed in nested symbols. |
VB-172757 | Project Sharing - creating multiple Data Visualizations with the same name |
VB-172796 | Blank space remain on the Lighting Device dialog when a single lighting device is selected |
VB-172802 | Wrong location of grouped Label Legend |
VB-172910 | Export Panorama 3D generates an Undo Error |
VB-172915 | TwoFer object label disappears after being updated in Vectorworks 2021 |
VB-172927 | Focus lighting device Along Path tool do not have correct preview in Screen Plane |
VB-172975 | Unable to reuse cable path if the cable pass through a truss |
VB-173031 | Spotlight cable object data loss |
VB-173066 | Create Hoist Report command exports the values incorrectly |
VB-173071 | Wrong cable type |
VB-173101 | Polygon Tool - Hangs VectorWorks |
VB-173135 | The rotated section viewport doesn't display its geometry correctly if the section line has a break |
VB-173184 | OSStringCompare is Bottleneck Switching documents |
VB-173217 | Marionette Object breaking when copied and paste |
VB-173225 | Cable Path Doesn't Respect Layer Elevation |
VB-173232 | Saved Views inside symbols broken since 2019 |
VB-173249 | Lighting Symbol Maintenance Device Type defaults to 'Light' when going into 'Edit' |
VB-173256 | Converting to Hanging Position moves Truss System Center to 0, 0 |
VB-173264 | *VW Freezes/Crashes When Realigning Hardscapes |
VB-173267 | Symbol not visible when using Final Quality Renderworks |
VB-173299 | Addition Modifiers Get Converted to Subtraction Modifiers After Adding/Clipping Inside Edit Mode |
VB-173300 | dwg import fails in 2021 and 2020, succeeds in 2019 |
VB-173301 | Modifiers Fail After Changing Space's Design Layer |
VB-173315 | Mac Nav Pal Class Control Slow |
VB-173333 | Export DWG: Line Type causes crash |
VB-173337 | Style Content Vectorworks not reflecting insertion class. |
VB-173340 | DLVP can not be selected via mouse click |
VB-173343 | Adding Name Formula to a plant style name, it gets added repeatedly when accessing Plant Style dialog |
VB-173349 | WZhu DSTOP Assigning RefNumber when there is no active undo event! (BuildIndividualCompositeSurfaceTessellationCache) |
VB-173350 | Different ways to create new style depending on how a landscape area is created |
VB-173356 | Typing into the description field and reference ID field of the construction tab of Edit Material dialog always begins typing at the beginning of the string |
VB-173364 | Landscape area with components places centre of comp. at z=0 |
VB-173372 | ConnectCAD: Schematic devices for Rack Frames do not update locations |
VB-173380 | Structural Member Join Highlighting Fails in Wireframe When Snaps are Acquired |
VB-173404 | No Plug-in Style Options... Shown in a Plug-in Symbol. |
VB-173405 | Can't Replace PIO Style when object is in Annotations (Custom Modification) |
VB-173407 | Reference Marker: Mode not saving between sessions |
VB-173453 | Importing Georeferenced Image While Origin is Adjusted Results in Wrong Image Location : JBC |
VB-173481 | Screen plane Constraint cues appear when 2D symbol is viewed in 3D views |
VB-173484 | Class dialog: The name of the Assign Default Classes with Prefix button is confusing |
VB-173491 | Spotlight hoist connection bug |
VB-173503 | Focus Instrument Command Anomolies |
VB-173528 | Unable to set text style in Cable path object |
VB-173530 | When you move circle trusses connected with hoists the dialog to confirm the deletion of the hoists doesn't display |
VB-173531 | DWG Import: polygon mirrored if convert only to 2D |
VB-173554 | Project sharing: Three dialogs for check out display when you move a hoist which is a down leg of bridle in 3D view |
VB-173556 | *VW Crash: create Viewport of existing Reference--UpdateSkylightHotSpotSelection |
VB-173561 | Cable and Cable Path are not placed on layer elevation |
VB-173563 | Unable to connect cable to truss when the design layer elevation value is edited |
VB-173569 | 2D Planar object markers in 3D and Section Viewports display incorrectly. |
VB-173578 | Hoist: Measurement Label Position labels are not aligned in the OIP |
VB-173579 | Custom Modification won't replace Materials in VP annotations |
VB-173584 | Help text in Bridle Configuration dialog has inappropriate capitalization |
VB-173593 | Slow switching layers in test file |
VB-173596 | DWG Export From VW Produces Error When Opened in AutoCAD |
VB-173598 | Braceworks: Hook Weight Equivalent shows as kN not kg's in Data tags |
VB-173603 | Materials not using latest classification table |
VB-173610 | User cannot place truss on all sides of the blocks in Top/Plan |
VB-173616 | Opening angel of windows fails |
VB-173623 | Using Data Tag is slow in this file |
VB-173633 | Sliding and Pocket doors: operation direction arrow in wrong place |
VB-173639 | Space auto boundary not correct after wall with pillars move |
VB-173646 | *Issues with Publishing a Saved set with Custom Names causes a crash |
VB-173650 | Landscape area styling inconsistency |
VB-173651 | Landscape area tool: setting wrong offset of tag |
VB-173653 | ISDK::GetBoundFromWalls() returns weird path in some cases |
VB-173657 | ISDK::GetBoundFromWalls() returns wrong result |
VB-173661 | Space doesn't update properly in response to wall move. |
VB-173664 | Cable Tools 2 - Rack Distributor Insertion |
VB-173669 | Stake object, properties dialog shows second time when inserting object |
VB-173677 | Negative RefNumber added during import of PIO |
VB-173705 | *Entering a viewport's Drawing Title string longer than 63 characters crashes Vectorworks |
VB-173708 | Can't edit text fields |
VB-173711 | About Export Worksheet. |
VB-173713 | ConnectCAD: In 3D Equipment Rack the front door is drawn with the depth of the full rack |
VB-173725 | Can't de-select transom option on window |
VB-173727 | Fillet/Chamfer Edge Fails on Solids |
VB-173728 | Classification ID is returned with non-breaking hyphens for existing content Materials |
VB-173730 | Multi-View - Offset Tool Causes Ruler Bar Failure and Interactive Preview Failure in 2021 |
VB-173731 | Ruler Bar Fails After Rotating Plan With Attribute Mapping Tool Active |
VB-173735 | Locus Fails to Show Inside Group When Rotated Plan is Active (Best Performance) |
VB-173744 | Section Viewport: broken display after rotation |
VB-173755 | *CreateWireAndSetFirstEdge crashed |
VB-173759 | "Push/Pull Combine Mode" not saving between sessions |
VB-173767 | *VS DelVertex() crashes VW when index exceeds vertex count |
VB-173781 | Structural Members Take-On the Wrong Angle in Recent Builds When Rotated |
VB-173783 | Worksheet data object freezes VW on export to DWG. |
VB-173793 | Project Sharing, Third Party Plugins do not highlight (selection) in the working file. |
VB-173808 | Changing the symbol rotation doesn't send the new rotation to the Lightwright .xml file. |
VB-173809 | Adding a color scroller (accessory) doesn't add it to the Lightwright .xml file. |
VB-173810 | Changing the X, Y, or Z coordinates of a lighting device doesn't send the new rotation to the Lightwright .xml file |
VB-173811 | Changing the focus point of a lighting device doesn't send the new label name to the Lightwright .xml file. |
VB-173814 | Changing the symbol name for a lighting device doesn't send the new name to the .xml file for Lightwright |
VB-173827 | Push Pull combine mode planar tool adds solid addition within symbol |
VB-173832 | *GetTileDeltas crashed |
VB-173833 | Replace style dialog shows empty resources for lighting pipe and lighting pipe ladder tools |
VB-173834 | Hanging position tool, position symbols pulldown shows blank by default |
VB-173846 | When clicking "Modify" of Fillet object's OIP, the setting value of Constant Radius of mode bar of Fillet Edge tool does not change to the setting value at the time of executing Fillet Edge. |
VB-173852 | Master Snap Smartcursor settings and Custom Tool/Attribute command |
VB-173855 | Marionette calls SetSpreadAngle and crashes with invalid Light Handle |
VB-173856 | No highlighting of visual plant objects in top plan view |
VB-173860 | Revit import takes long time |
VB-173861 | Editing an Auto Hybrid when using DLVPs: multiple instances display erroneously |
VB-173862 | Applying texture to Extrude with Chamfer causing VW crash |
VB-173866 | Crash creating new document after importing image fill |
VB-173871 | Hang - indefinite hang when changing hardscape to an aligned hardscape |
VB-173880 | Reflectivity Shader Issue Using Renderworks |
VB-173888 | MFarnan !fPerformingAUserAction |
VB-173889 | Crash on quit in TFolderManager |
VB-173891 | Structural Members Inside Groups Fail to Get Moved |
VB-173893 | Display Extents before cut plane |
VB-173895 | Renderworks grass doesn't render with multiple symbols |
VB-173898 | Add Surface Fails on Slabs in 2021 When Edges Coincide |
VB-173913 | Missing word or variable in 2 Cable Settings strings |
VB-173918 | Landscape Area, Style parameters are confusing |
VB-173927 | *Crash in PrimeInvalidate function |
VB-173931 | Spotlight Cable tool slow insertion |
VB-173933 | Spotlight cable object material toggle bug |
VB-173936 | VW Freezes in 2021 When Updating Site Model While Modifier Hardscape Exists |
VB-173942 | use after free in flatscene |
VB-173947 | The only way to clear a Lighting Device address is the DMX Address field |
VB-173957 | DOM: Marionette Group Node |
VB-173958 | Seating Section seats are refilled when "Display Focus Line" is toggled |
VB-173963 | Spotlight cable tools connecting breakout to lighting device issue |
VB-173966 | DWG Import: stuck at Preprocessing the file |
VB-173971 | Project Sharing - Light Objects Inside Symbols Fail to Get Committed Starting in VW 2019 |
VB-173975 | Revit import - Windows inserted at wrong height |
VB-173995 | *Site Model: Updating the site model from the test file leads to crash. |
VB-174002 | Spotlight Lighting Device rotation and working planes |
VB-174012 | Issue exporting Python dialog |
VB-174013 | *Irrigation - any change crashes to desktop |
VB-174016 | *Vectorworks crashes while publish a set of images |
VB-174017 | Create Floating Viewpane makes new pane the active one |
VB-174021 | Continuous processing by AppleScript |
VB-174022 | tdType assert from PolylineHandle::GetNumVertices, while opening this file |
VB-174024 | *ExitGroupToTopLevel crashed when CloseAllFiles on window |
VB-174025 | WallNewInsertSysNames - DSTOP((kWZhu, "Assigning RefNumber when there is no active undo event! ")) |
VB-174026 | *Crash in wall reset from analytics --SearchForParentObject |
VB-174031 | DWG Export: Errors found after opening file with AutoCAD |
VB-174032 | Curtain Wall Hangs Vectorworks |
VB-174034 | Focus Instruments missing preview and throw distance preview stuck to screen plane |
VB-174036 | Typo in Export Web View dialog |
VB-174046 | Blank space remain on the Lighting Device dialog when a single lighting device is selected and the OK\Cancel button isn't visible |
VB-174050 | Saved Views not working properly |
VB-174057 | Poly Structural Member Drawing Mode Fails to Get Saved When Tool is Deactivated |
VB-174061 | Hatches not displaying in Section Viewport |
VB-174066 | Seating Section seat numbering regression |
VB-174074 | Worksheet: doesn't recognize grouped Space |
VB-174075 | Using Prefix 'Latin Name' in plant style names duplicates it |
VB-174077 | Symbols Fail to Show in Wireframe Viewports in VW 2021 (Best Performance) |
VB-174078 | Wall Components Fail to Show in Wireframe SLVPs When Document Class is Invisible (Best Performance) |
VB-174086 | Name changes of plants doesn't push through to landscape areas |
VB-174087 | Unable to set an arrow whose base is Open for End Marker. (Stair tool) |
VB-174088 | Marionette: Copying and pasting an object node between documents severs some of the wiring between nodes |
VB-174091 | *Crash upon replacing wall style (probably caused by Louver) --SearchForParentObject |
VB-174094 | Project Sharing - Duplicating In-Wall Objects Requires Wall to be Checked-Out |
VB-174096 | Ghost object remains after switching from symbol to BIMobject to Selection tool |
VB-174102 | Cable Path object shows an balnk field for the text style |
VB-174106 | VGM and Line Type Scaling in viewports |
VB-174109 | "Highlight Frame" not shown correctly in Best Performance |
VB-174116 | Pressing the undo after exiting Edit accessories context provokes crash |
VB-174117 | Door Hardware Fails to Account for Leaf Location in Double Acting/Double Egress Doors |
VB-174119 | Vectorworks 2021 file crash on opening |
VB-174126 | Edit Lighting Device dialog doesn't redraw correct, OK/Cancel buttons disappear |
VB-174129 | ConnectCAD: Circuits lose user-entered signal type on reshape. |
VB-174132 | Curtain Wall becomes invisible in certain cases in forward translated file |
VB-174133 | Walls ghost in OpenGL |
VB-174166 | Zeno_57_RoofFaceAndSnapping |
VB-174169 | If you delete the referenced file (vwx,dwg,ifc) the referenced layer isn't deleted from the project file |
VB-174174 | Wall: Datavisualization - representation doesn't change |
VB-174179 | New class inconsistency |
VB-174189 | Roofs and walls disappear while moving views by Flyover, Pan or Zoom. |
VB-174194 | Drawing Stamp button opens Settings dialog with Project Data pane selected |
VB-174199 | Windows inserted at wrong elevation set after Revit Import |
VB-174201 | ASSERTN( kKIvanov, false ); when a stair is inserted. |
VB-174202 | Wall Visibility issues |
VB-174207 | Landscape area dialog, both controls show the same help text |
VB-174213 | Layer Visibility Problem in Layer 'B' when Layer 'A' is set to "Active Only" (Regression from 26.0.1) |
VB-174215 | CDR: Data visualization legend problems with text format. |
VB-174217 | Hoist Chain Gap With Sling and Up Position |
VB-174219 | WZhu DSTOP Assigning RefNumber when there is no active undo event! when creating previews |
VB-174226 | ConnectCAD: Migration Manager does not copy ConnectCAD_Data folder from 2020 to 2021 |
VB-174231 | ConnectCAD: Device location data enabled |
VB-174234 | Recesses and Projection are incompatible with the international version if created in localized version |
VB-174238 | *Crash - infinite loop-- Markers::Extensions::DrawingLabel::CObjDrawingLabel_EventSink::Recalculate() |
VB-174239 | Export DXF/DG: When export a DWG file with the DEBUG, the result is different from that of the RELEASE. |
VB-174242 | *VW Freezes on Mac in SP2 When Updating Viewports |
VB-174244 | Server based shared project list scrambled |
VB-174251 | Railing and fence post tab, labels got mixed up |
VB-174252 | Railing and Fence, Frame/panel tab has alignment issue |
VB-174253 | Hatch scaling issue in Viewport when using Best Performance |
VB-174256 | Shipped Libraries: % not correct in compound concrete materials |
VB-174271 | Dimension Text in Rotated Plan |
VB-174276 | Add/Clip Surface Commands Move Objects to the Wrong Plane in SP2 |
VB-174277 | Highlighting Shows Incorrectly on Screen Plane Objects in SP2 (Best Performance) |
VB-174297 | Red Brocken Link indicator in Marker objects should not be included in object bounds for object manipulation operations. |
VB-174318 | Despite using the same material(ex;1-Default MT), the attributes of the Fill of the Attribute palette are different between Mac and Win. |
VB-174326 | Spotlight Numbering: dropdown list not localized |
VB-174334 | Corruption of internal data when creating a multi-cell lighting device symbol. |
VB-174336 | Spotlight Numbering Tool |
VB-174343 | ODM/SOM Vectorscript Appendix incorrect |
VB-174346 | Hoist Origin: Name isn't translated |
VB-174347 | Overlaping fields in the railing/fence settings dialog box |
VB-174350 | Geometry does not add to Slab as expected |
VB-174359 | (Mac only) The triangle to the left of "General" in the Hoist Object Properties dialog is not working. |
VB-174361 | Material pset is missing when exporting Group object to IFC |
VB-174362 | Braceworks calculations inordinately longer in SP2 than SP0 |
VB-174363 | Spotlight Braceworks: Hoist pick Up Symbol no longer able to be moved. |
VB-174365 | ConnectCAD: Equip Item in rack frame text rotation is wrong |
VB-174366 | File Freeze by opening |
VB-174372 | Title Block Border: Creation via Document Setup + Undo does not revert the new style |
VB-174375 | Wall 3D L-joins incorrect |
VB-174379 | Drawing label: custom scale in drop down list not localized |
VB-174381 | Railing/Fence - when changing a material for the railing/fence part, the Texture icon doesn't always update |
VB-174382 | Plants duplicated in plant tool preferences disappear |
VB-174387 | VGS: proxy objects for scaled symbols fail to export |
VB-174388 | Deleting a static accessory from a lighting device doesn't delete it in Lightwright |
VB-174399 | The selected "variable" is not inserted correctly in the "value".(space tool) |
VB-174408 | Auto Hybrid Extrude Along Path not visible in Viewport |
VB-174412 | The Markers of the callouts are too big when you export to PDF |
VB-174419 | ConnectCAD - Update Rack Elevation doubles devices |
VB-174423 | 2021 SP2: Selection Display Issue With Screen Plane Objects |
VB-174427 | Spotlight Numbering not functioning as expected |
VB-174428 | Crash when navigating the resource manager breadcrumbs |
VB-174429 | *VW Hangs/Crashes when Attempting to Create HSVP within Test File --MergeHatchBSPVector |
VB-174432 | Question:The "Cross Section" item in the Hoist's Object Properties dialog is not reflected by the selection from the input field or pull-down. Does it make sense to display it? |
VB-174434 | Edit Accessories not working properly in 3D Edit window |
VB-174435 | Adding and removing base accessories. Is it completely Working as designed |
VB-174439 | An error is displayed when selecting a code in the Document Georeferencing. |
VB-174440 | "Current EPSG" and "Coordinate system name" in the Document Georeferencing are not displayed properly. |
VB-174448 | Horizontal Section Viewport incorrectly shows "crop" lines from markers |
VB-174451 | CDR: Structural member "2D Attributes" inconsistencies. |
VB-174454 | *GetTolerence crashed from CreateSurfacefromCurvesNetwork_Internal |
VB-174463 | Add Surface Operation Retains Adding Object with Floors and Roof Faces : JBC |
VB-174467 | Big Sur Mac OS 11: Freeze closing document after changing Navigation Graphics, toggling, "Black and White Only", then closing file |
VB-174471 | ConnectCAD: Template file symbol folder structure is not up to date |
VB-174477 | ConnectCAD: In Device Builder selecting the newly created make/model causes it to lose its category |
VB-174478 | Partner Products: The specified plug-in package could not be installed message appears if you disagree license agreement when reinstall the plug-in |
VB-174482 | Weird Window |
VB-174484 | Planar objects change plane when you Add Surface while in 3D view |
VB-174487 | ConnectCAD: Crash when parsing invalid SignalTypes user file |
VB-174491 | BIMobject product page doesn't load when reopening the browser |
VB-174494 | Title Block layout offsets when there are 2D objects with elevation |
VB-174497 | VW crashes after Undo deleting accessory |
VB-174499 | Incorrect wall fit to roof after Revit import |
VB-174500 | Point of Connection tool has improper capitalization |
VB-174515 | ConnectCAD: Linking Text to Record for user records does not render on symbol |
VB-174517 | 2021 Title Block Manager causes beach ball in the attached file |
VB-174519 | Deleting regular accessory from LW delete the whole light |
VB-174520 | Structural Member Cursor Shows Incorrectly in SP2 |
VB-174527 | Cannot attach IFC Data to Symbols |
VB-174534 | Choosing style from landscape area settings dialog, 2D and 3D plant will not show |
VB-174537 | Selecting group while editing 3D components shows incorrect highlighting |
VB-174544 | Additional Data of space is not displayed correctly. |
VB-174554 | Round wall fills entire arc in section viewport |
VB-174556 | Hanging when duplicating layer |
VB-174562 | Error in Irrigation Drip Outlet Flow Calculation - Branching Structure |
VB-174565 | Worksheet DatabaseByScript WSScript_AddHandle Does Not Display All Items in VW2021 |
VB-174569 | Crash in CExtOutletDripObj_EventSink::DrawDripLines |
VB-174570 | Some symbols from Kitchen missing after Revit Import |
VB-174572 | Open file in the default viewer is always default to TRUE in Export Worksheet dialog |
VB-174574 | ISDK::AssociateBoundedObjectWithWallsAndApplyOffset() do not apply offset to columns |
VB-174576 | Section Line Styles |
VB-174580 | Section Viewport Markers not behaving correctly |
VB-174586 | Export worksheet to excel from VW File menu freezes VW, export from Edit Worksheet menu does not |
VB-174590 | VW Freezes When Opening File on Win |
VB-174602 | Crash in CIFCChangeSubscriber::Notify(class ChangeCollection * changeCollection) |
VB-174605 | Mirroring or flipping Section-Elevation Line creates instance in odd state on 3D plane |
VB-174608 | *File hangs on open |
VB-174612 | 2d component of structural disappears when moved |
VB-174622 | Spotlight Braceworks: Hoist slings in 3D are not in the correct position |
VB-174626 | DWG Import - Inform message for unsupported DWG version might be wrong |
VB-174630 | Add/Clip Surface Fails on Plugins in 3D Views When Layer is Elevated |
VB-174632 | Plants using Botanical Name in Prefix gets duplicated |
VB-174637 | Landscape area in settings dialog will not remember the tab used for 3D Display |
VB-174642 | *Crash in EnterLayer |
VB-174652 | *Crash in TryWipeAppnMetadata |
VB-174654 | Creating a New Material Using Vectorworks Corrupts the File : JBC |
VB-174656 | Extruded lines lose their fill color when added together with Add Solids |
VB-174658 | Polygon paint bucket error on this shape |
VB-174664 | Section-Elevation Line Issues with Elevation configuration |
VB-174668 | Edit RW Texture From via the RenderPaneWindow preview fails while inside Symbol |
VB-174671 | Door Leaf shows extra leaf in hidden line |
VB-174672 | Landscape Area: Datum values are ignored on components |
VB-174674 | Strange New Behavior when ADD SURFACE used on Floor or Roof Face |
VB-174678 | Batch Convert Fails to Correctly Convert Layer Import Referenced Files : JBC |
VB-174681 | Unable to edit Title Block Border Sheet Data |
VB-174682 | *AreContainerMembersGrounded crashed from ForEachViewPaneInViewWindowMakeFocus |
VB-174690 | VGS: Interactive Site Model crashes VW while VGS is on |
VB-174692 | CDATA html no longer valid in partner product manifests |
VB-174693 | The Partner Product list does not format "Developer" correctly |
VB-174694 | Vision and GDTF fixture modes do not work for Lighting Device Accessories |
VB-174704 | Site Protection Server license doesn't get updated. |
VB-174707 | References not updating correct after import to VW2021 |
VB-174708 | Text in Migrated Detail Callouts from 2020 to 2021 is flipped |
VB-174711 | ConnectCAD: Changing signal type does not update class any more |
VB-174716 | Inaccuracy in English version of Vectorworks Manual |
VB-174720 | VW Freezes When Editing Plugin Object Style Options After an Undo |
VB-174725 | *Hang when duplicating Pan and Tilt layer |
VB-174728 | ConnectCAD: Sequential numbering restart on each layer |
VB-174744 | Export DXF/DWG. Data vis. of the document is lost after DWG export. |
VB-174747 | Intersect surface and Bezier |
VB-174748 | Light info record is wrongly applied to Multi-Cell lighting devices |
VB-174753 | [Win Only][Acceptance Test Failure]: Can't clear string in Quick Search using the X button |
VB-174755 | Plugins Move to Screen Plane When File is Translated with Sheet Layer Active |
VB-174756 | Cable Preview Tool Set - Cable Path Tool has mode descriptions swapped |
VB-174771 | VW uses TLSv1.0 to set up notify websocket connection |
VB-174773 | Surface From Curves failed |
VB-174775 | Surface from curves issue |
VB-174778 | DWG Export - A problem with associative hatches with clockwise arc segments |
VB-174782 | DWG Import - A problem with associative hatches with arc segments |
VB-174784 | Hardscape tool fails on Joint Pattern 'Spaced Joints' in a 3D view when editing the settings |
VB-174789 | Stake Tool: X and Y coordinates flipped about internal origin when user origin is moved. |
VB-174798 | Can't browse to locate and import wall styles |
VB-174802 | Data Tag renumber all seems to be broken |
VB-174804 | Hardscape Grade modifier's geometry is drawn outside of the hardscape in 3D |
VB-174806 | When change something on soft goods, renderer are disabled |
VB-174808 | Project Sharing crash during Revit Import |
VB-174811 | Data Tag increment with leading zeroes not working |
VB-174826 | Solid Addition Switches to No Fill |
VB-174827 | TBB: Switching Sheet Size to "Custom" uses wrong units |
VB-174829 | Drawing Label insertion using wrong symbol preview |
VB-174831 | Section Elevation Line - Text angle issue |
VB-174834 | Parametric Objects with Symbol Definition parameters don't copy properly between documents |
VB-174835 | Data visualization problem upgrading from 2020 to 2021 |
VB-174844 | *VectorWorks::UI::ODM::CODMHostWindow::AdjustTransparency crashed on CWnd::GetWindowRect |
VB-174850 | Renderworks Glass shows artifacts with clip cube |
VB-174856 | *RevitLibrary!RevitLibrary::CRevitFileImport::FitWallsToRoofs crashed when calling gSDK->CreateLayer("tmpLayer", kLayerDesign); |
VB-174864 | SetObjectVariableBoolean() Fails to Set Material Value Correctly : JBC |
VB-174865 | DWG Import - Some hatches from the example file do not import correctly |
VB-174866 | Round column imported from IFC get squar negative shape |
VB-174868 | Publish does not export PDF page labels... |
VB-174869 | Structural Members Take-On the Wrong Angle in SP2 When Mirrored |
VB-174879 | Drawing is invisible if batch opening (Best performance) |
VB-174891 | *CurrentPaneEditingTypeAndComponent crashed from ForEachViewPaneInViewWindowMakeFocus |
VB-174893 | Instrument Summary: removing an accessory that is in use will add it to the unused list if active |
VB-174902 | Design layer objects display at wrong scale while in Viewport Annotation Mode - with Best Performance Nav Graphics |
VB-174904 | Caches from other viewports on the sheet layer incorrectly display while panning in viewport annotation mode |
VB-174913 | Vectorworks freezing on Close and Release and Commit |
VB-174919 | *VW Crashes when Updating Section Viewport within Test File |
VB-174923 | BIG BUG! Layer Referencing Broken in this file but I have seem the odd glitch in a number of files... |
VB-174924 | Navigation palette doesn't toggle open and closed |
VB-174947 | Space : formula in Additional Data is not evaluated |
VB-174972 | Reference marker loses the reference numbers |
VB-174992 | Vectorworks Spotlight - Fixture Mode - OIP Dropdown - Selection is not applied |
VB-175018 | Section line text is shifted when a Vectorwroks 2020 file is opened with Vectorworks 2021 |
VB-175019 | The Section line changes its position when a Vectorworks 2020 file is opened with Vectorworks 2021 |
VB-175058 | Lifgting Devices Edit Dialog doesn't work for accessories |
VB-175084 | ConnectCAD: Socket with text causes New device tool to hang |
VB-175102 | Vectorworks crashes when updating section Viewport |
VB-175120 | Spotlight Braceworks: OIP Low Hook to Load Trim shows in 4 decimal places and ignores the file's units |
VB-175128 | Vw crashes updating Section viewports containing Hardscapes |
VB-175152 | Slab | IFC export and Quantity take of |
VB-175156 | NBS Chorus wont install on 2021 |
VB-175188 | Deleting regular accessory from LW delete whole light in LW |
VB-175196 | Offset Tool freezes Vw with an object in. a file |
VB-175217 | [Win Only]SOD is triggered every time after the deactivation of Boomerange mode |
VB-175228 | NURBS: NURBS curve creation is broken (regression). |
VB-175244 | NBS chorus does not install. Vectorworks 2021. |
VB-175258 | Problem with export/import of resources used by Styles |
VB-175270 | Revit Export - exported objects can not be moved in Revit app |
VB-175279 | Symbol Geometry doesn't change in Edit window when using 'Replace Accessory' |
VB-175351 | Hoist, PickUp | no alignment |
VB-175368 | Crash in SyncController::SynchronizeViewports |
VB-175374 | Mode information is not displayed in "GDTF Fixture Mode" even if "GDTF Fixture" is set in the OIP of the Lighting Device. |
Nr | Opis |
5192 | Określone ustawienia powodują zniknięcie rury spustowej |
5526 | Zmiana przekroju rury spustowej z kwadratowego na okrągły powoduje jej zniknięcie |
5439 | Usunięto z biblioteki duplikat pliku „BIM Ramen en deuren.vwx” |
0000 | Narzędzia „Okno lub drzwi wewnętrzne” i „Okno lub drzwi zewnętrzne”: widok w przypadku średniego stopnia szczegółowości jest taki sam jak w przypadku wysokiego stopnia szczegółowości |
VB-159302 | Spaces; Importing an Adjacency Matrix broken data |
VB-161486 | Saved Views Fail to Restore Render Settings |
VB-162982 | Viewport Properties dialog has a letter outside the [ ] |
VB-165571 | Symbol Edit Modes Show Flipped, Grayed Copy of Component Graphics |
VB-165964 | Localization issue - Cannot apply a seating section style |
VB-166442 | Allow localization of "Seating Section.vwx" programmatically |
VB-167428 | Setting the size of Renderworks texture by image does not work, just results in a gray square |
VB-167486 | Seating Section dialog has broken layout |
VB-167581 | User Interface message indicates possibility of deleting multiple records but I can only select one |
VB-168279 | Replace Instrument Spotlight |
VB-168647 | Crash: activate PDF Snap to Geometry |
VB-169127 | Grouped Objects Fail to Show After Deleting/Reassigning Class |
VB-169290 | *VWFC::Math::VWPoint3D::VWPoint3D crashed in Spotlight::HangPosition::CObjHangPosition_Recalculate::TransformHangedObject |
VB-170584 | EPSF export fails to export the attached file |
VB-170796 | Adjusting the unit rounding is freezing VW |
VB-170882 | Edit Accessoreis contexts mode in Plan is corrupted when the Device has 3D orientation. |
VB-171124 | Deleting Label Legend breaks Focus Beam |
VB-171412 | Selecting a GDTF Fixture doesn't set the right footprint in the Object Info Palette |
VB-171499 | Vectorworks crashes after presenting a dialog in Partner Products install script |
VB-171512 | Lighting Accessories Stack on top pf Label Legends |
VB-171522 | Images are not appearing for plants in the worksheet |
VB-171546 | Too much white space in a landscape area when using the plant cloud border style |
VB-171558 | Quick Search is not saving its position when re-launched on Windows |
VB-171816 | Materials and Data Viz |
VB-171983 | Spotlight Accessories and Label Legends |
VB-172007 | Spotlight Accessories need a way to have a stacking order |
VB-172047 | Path for tools and menus not included in Search on Mac |
VB-172106 | Seating Section automatically apply a style |
VB-172150 | Export DXF/DWG: 2D objects that are placed in Layer/Screen Plane aren't correctly exported |
VB-172155 | Spotlight Lighting Device Lenses Color |
VB-172361 | Texture - Set by Image Size Line segment Not working correctly |
VB-172401 | [QuickSearch] [Windows] Implement Status Bar with Entry Counts |
VB-172402 | [Win]Keyboard shortcuts for each tool/menu command should display on a separate column |
VB-172485 | When a material has only one checkbox for Surface Area/Volume, both values are still reported in the worksheet |
VB-172566 | VW Freezes When Editing Seating Section After Renaming Seating Symbol |
VB-172587 | Focus Ignores Focus Point Object preferences |
VB-172687 | "Refresh Libraries" progress dialogue's Cancel button is clipped |
VB-172712 | Excel export, Localized acceptance test - file extension should not be localized |
VB-172716 | Hoists don't connect to the trusses during insertion |
VB-172805 | Gobos do not register until focus applied. |
VB-172848 | Quick Search icons should be single click to activate - why need double click |
VB-172902 | Landscape Area: Plant Information tab - when the total percentage is longer than a certain character length, the text gets cut off |
VB-172908 | Need to re-select bucket fill mode after each placement of a landscape area |
VB-173008 | Cable tool - Typo in the Automatic Numbering Preferences dialog |
VB-173017 | There are more than six columns in Manage Cable Parts dialog |
VB-173018 | If you rename a cable it won't appear in Cable Configuration dialog |
VB-173042 | Focus Tool/Command still not connected the Focus Point Object Preferences |
VB-173043 | Landscape area tool Bucket mode reverts to first mode every time the mode is used |
VB-173073 | Cable area doesn't apply its settings to the cables |
VB-173136 | Geometry seems stuck at 0, below site models |
VB-173176 | Railing/Fence Join: Alignment of Blunt Connect Mode |
VB-173214 | [QuickSearch] [Mac] Item should require SINGLE click to execute from the Search |
VB-173216 | [Mac]Menu icon should appear as part of the context information of a menu command |
VB-173222 | Problem with Server-Based Project if connection cannot be established |
VB-173252 | ConnectCAD: Missing Sockets symbols in the Default content |
VB-173260 | Landscape Area: Custom Tag is not remembered after settings edit |
VB-173261 | Landscape Area Tags: It is not possible to choose None on Tag Body |
VB-173318 | vs.ws2AddMenuItem() needs special handling for separators |
VB-173336 | LA with 3D Polygons doesn't fit to site model |
VB-173382 | Grid Line, Drawing Label, and Marker object Styles in Content should have Class set to "Active Class" in "Plug-in Object Style Options". |
VB-173423 | Material Description flaws in Materials.vwx Library |
VB-173447 | Callout issues with Project Sharing |
VB-173455 | 3D Polygon shape of landscape area is visible on top of plants in 3D |
VB-173471 | First column of Focus Lighting Devices dialog default width too small |
VB-173486 | Class switch of Slab object causes Beach Ball Hang - full bug report provided |
VB-173490 | Spotlight hoist object insertion bug |
VB-173509 | Instrument Summary does not count accessories |
VB-173510 | Instrument Summary Build List dialog no longer needs Circuits column |
VB-173511 | Instrument Summary only recognized first cell of multi-circuits for circuit and color summaries |
VB-173519 | 2021 Ref Marker: Leader Radius OIP Field Non-functional |
VB-173527 | Beta Undo Alert 9 appears when you insert a drop between rigging objects |
VB-173544 | DV override does not show in section viewport when exported to PDF |
VB-173546 | Marionette's Chart Configuration dialog has a bad help ID |
VB-173549 | Braceworks hoist: Default position of 'Show Label' is same as the Pick up symbol which obscures symbol and is a problem when moving label |
VB-173564 | Project sharing: Moving the hoist causes the house rigging point to be checked out . Moving the truss causes the hoist to be checked out |
VB-173582 | Bridle Configuration Dialog - when "List All Parts" radio button is selected, text overlaps in the Basket and Leg Parts list boxes |
VB-173592 | Material Texture option need to be removed in Space 3D boundary dialog |
VB-173599 | If I change the user folder to any location, it may not shut down. |
VB-173603 | Materials not using latest classification table |
VB-173627 | Syncing of Universe, Address, Absolute Address do not work for Accessories |
VB-173628 | Material Thumbnails Don't Account for Surface Hatch Size/Rotation |
VB-173640 | Space OIP buttons check out spaces even when closed with cancel |
VB-173644 | Add New Items As Pop-up shows wrong Publisher Type option |
VB-173648 | Landscape area plant information doesnt update correctly |
VB-173660 | Data Viz needs to be "bumped" to apply to walls |
VB-173670 | Landscape Area style dialog, Style name field could be longer to display the name |
VB-173671 | Help errors in Landscape area style dialog percentage option |
VB-173676 | Changing the GDTF fixture type does not update the DMX footprint |
VB-173694 | Space Finishes are getting override after editing the style |
VB-173696 | VerifyValidHandle(inhLayer) failed!Handle inhLayer is too small actual 88 bytes specified 658 bytes |
VB-173700 | Hoist High Hook Location |
VB-173709 | IFC Import pSet fields and values missing |
VB-173718 | Data tag: If you set Function to Area the Units popup isn't enabled |
VB-173720 | Quick search does not seem to work correctly after the basic tools and toolsets palette have been removed |
VB-173722 | Multi-Cell Lighting Devices only show one colour when using the Spotlight Preferences colour options |
VB-173723 | Column and Pilaster not using 2D fill from materials having a fill of "None" |
VB-173729 | Grid Line Styles Class Issue |
VB-173745 | Error Message when Installing Partner Product |
VB-173747 | Projects directory has clashing names (Project Sharing server strings) |
VB-173749 | String from Project Sharing database needs rewriting |
VB-173751 | Map List alerts and queries - strings have obscure variables for localization purposes |
VB-173795 | Change cross section dialog of truss properties has spelling errors in help text |
VB-173799 | Grid Lines showing up on ground plane in Section Viewport |
VB-173801 | Incorrect word order in "Towards object target" strings |
VB-173828 | Data Visualization, german number separators not supported |
VB-173836 | *Slab: unexpected VW quit after cryptical alert upon changing class in Org. dlog |
VB-173842 | Vectorworks Search on External Monitor and laptop set up |
VB-173843 | Grid Lines Don't Appear in Non-Horizontal Section Viewport Unless "Display 2D fills" option is Toggled |
VB-173863 | Slabs don't show Materials in Data Viz when modified by 3D objects |
VB-173867 | Crash when editing profile of an aligned hardscape |
VB-173882 | Tools and commands are disabled when they should not be |
VB-173883 | Change to metric default material units |
VB-173946 | Some materials are displaying inappropriate characters in spreadsheets |
VB-173954 | Insertion Point of Data Tag Tool uses the coordinates from a rotated drawing |
VB-173961 | Lighting Device Shutters - Reset all does nothing |
VB-173968 | Design Zone Tool: typo in description |
VB-173969 | Hardscape Tool: Typo in description |
VB-173973 | Accessories attached to lighting devices do not get the Position Name of the parent light |
VB-173983 | RUNSCRIPTEDIT Fails to Load New Value Into Worksheet Cell Until a Recalc is Done : JBC |
VB-173988 | Migration Manager: Beta Undo Alert 9 when migrating the attached user folders. |
VB-174000 | 2021 File Open/Translate hangs on |
VB-174019 | Unable to uninstall NBS Chorus |
VB-174033 | No keyboard shortcut should be assigned to the Quick Search menu combo. |
VB-174063 | Material popup is not responsive on OIP (Windows) |
VB-174067 | Railings/Fences that are created by the 3D line mode can't be joined each other. |
VB-174069 | DWG Export - Example document exprts wrongly when using overridden attributes |
VB-174071 | Accessory attached to a light doesn't take channel from .xml file sent by Lightwright |
VB-174076 | Crash when Exporting file to Vectorworks 2020 |
VB-174115 | Lighting Devices duplicated in the drawing do not sync properly to Lightwright |
VB-174205 | Exporting this file causes VW to freeze |
VB-174210 | kFieldFill record field not working properly after resource delete with replacement |
VB-174279 | GLPickColorInteraction edit texture dlg not picking correct colors |
VB-174280 | GLPanZoomImageInteraction in edit texture dlg notfollowing mouse moves |
VB-174283 | Category "Wood - Structural" is spelled incorrectly |
VB-174289 | Duplicating lighting devices in Vectorworks when Data Exchange is active screws up Data Exchange on those lights. |
VB-174290 | Batch Rename List has wrong order in localized versions |
VB-174337 | Polygon Tool's Inner Boundary Mode (aka paint bucket) not working in viewport's Annotation space |
VB-174355 | Attempted Premium Library Download Fails in Vw 2021 - 2 : JBC |
VB-174360 | ConnectCAD: Already Connected Term Panels don't connect. |
VB-174384 | Deleting accessory from a lighting device doesn't remove it from Lightwright |
VB-174407 | Clases y materiales dialog window has cut off buttons for Columns and Pillars |
VB-174514 | Question:It says TOV "The FEA core will be updated to correctly account for the hoist weight when the hoist is top or bottom mounted (R10).", how can I specifically mount it with top or bottom? |